Call To Release Report On CIA’s Secret Detention And Interrogation
Human Rights Violations Of Minorities: Effects And Repercussions
Human rights is a concept which is founded on the democratic norms. Last many decades, after the coming into being of United Nations in particular, the concept of human rights has been picking up in a strong way. The global community through UN has tried to evolve the norms for these rights for all the people of the world.
The Paranoid Style of the Israel Lobby
The anti-Hagel campaign reveals the psychopathology of radical Zionism
Obama Versus the Israel Lobby?
Human rights is a concept which is founded on the democratic norms. Last many decades, after the coming into being of United Nations in particular, the concept of human rights has been picking up in a strong way. The global community through UN has tried to evolve the norms for these rights for all the people of the world.
The Global Religious Landscape
A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Major Religious Groups as of 2010http://www.pewforum.org/global-religious-landscape-exec.aspx
NYSE Being Bought For $8.2B By Atlanta-Based IntercontinentalExchange
In matching press releases, they say the sale "combines two leading exchange groups to create a premier global exchange operator diversified across markets including agricultural and energy commodities, credit derivatives, equities and equity derivatives, foreign exchange and interest rates."
The Great Vaccine Fraud
Gun Sales Spike After Newtown Tragedy
The anti-Hagel campaign reveals the psychopathology of radical Zionism
Obama Versus the Israel Lobby?
Jim Lobe reports that senior White House officials have leaked information that Chuck Hagel “was likely” to be the Obama Administration’s nominee for Secretary of Defense when Leon Panetta leaves. What’s not surprising is that the neocons have gone into full-on attack mode, including charges of anti-Semitism. Writing in the Wall StreetJournal, Bret Stephens complains because Hagel once said “the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people [in Congress].”
What If All the World’s Debt Just Went Away

US Drone Strike Has Revealed A Disturbing Trend
Known as the "double tap," the tactic involves bombing a target multiple times in relatively quick succession, meaning that the second strike often hits first responders.
Fight for GMO Labeling Goes On in New Mexico
The fight for mandatory labeling of GMO's in California may have suffered a difficult blow in California this November, but the fight goes on across the country, particularly this week in New Mexico, where one senator just filed an amendment that would require the labeling of all genetically engineered food and feed in the state.
The report (pdf), led by the US Geological Survey, the National Wildlife Federation and Arizona State University, foresees a global loss of biodiversity and major shifts in ecosystems.
Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'Mr. President, I am Disappointed'
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) gave a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday slamming President Obama for going back on repeated assurances that Social Security would not be part of deficit reduction talks.
Who's really profiting from America's gun trade?
Israeli 'Surgical Targeting' of Journalists, Civilians a War Crime: Report
Israeli bombings of media outlets during the recent eight day siege on Gaza broke several international "laws of war," including the targeting of civilians, Human Rights Watch reports Thursday.
To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top
You know you are not going to be seeing the brightest bulbs on TV defending America's loose gun laws the weekend after the mass slaughter of children. Even the NRA had gone dark, taking down its Facebook and Twitter accounts and refusing to respond to reporters.
Water Is Invaluable
A range of private players in the water arena, including water service companies like American Water, are part of a relatively new corporate effort to coordinate public outreach about the “Value of Water.”
How Congress Blocked Research on Gun Violence
The ugly campaign by the NRA to shut down studies at the CDC.
Confessions of an economic hit woman
The latest in a long line of economic hit men—and women—is Condoleeza Rice [ht: sm]: