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How Hurricane Sandy Will Impact the Election

Avoiding Post-Sandy Disaster Capitalism: On Rebuilding the Right Way

Dark Money Rises

The Southeast Asian country of Laos in the late 1950s and early 60s was a complex and confusing patchwork of civil conflicts, changes of government and switching loyalties. The CIA and the State Department alone could take credit for engineering coups at least once in each of the years 1958, 1959 and 1960.
Who is the worst civil liberties president in US history?Where do the abuses of the last decade from Bush and Obama rank when compared to prior assaults in the name of war?
Defense attorneys ask Panetta to televise 9/11 trial from Guantánamo
Lawyers for the five alleged Sept. 11 conspirators wrote Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta on Thursday, asking him to order the Pentagon to offer national TV broadcasts of their death-penalty tribunals at Guantánamo. Demands Answers About Predator Drone Flights in the U.S.
Government Shares Drones with Law Enforcement Agencies Across the Country

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments today in a case called Kirtsaeng v. Wiley, and their final decision could help shape the future of "first sale," a legal doctrine that underpins the right to sell, lend, or give away the things you buy, even if those things contain copyrighted elements.
How the FISA Amendments Act Allows for Warrantless Wiretapping, As Described By Supreme Court Justices
On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Clapper v. Amnesty, an important case that will decide if the ACLU’s challenge to the FISA Amendments Act—the law passed in the wake of the NSA warrantless wiretapping scandal—can go forward. The Court will essentially determine whether any court, short of a government admission, can rule on whether the NSA’s targeted warrantless surveillance of Americans' international communications violates the Constitution.
How the FISA Amendments Act Allows for Warrantless Wiretapping, As Described By Supreme Court Justices
On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Clapper v. Amnesty, an important case that will decide if the ACLU’s challenge to the FISA Amendments Act—the law passed in the wake of the NSA warrantless wiretapping scandal—can go forward. The Court will essentially determine whether any court, short of a government admission, can rule on whether the NSA’s targeted warrantless surveillance of Americans' international communications violates the Constitution.
NSA claims 'privilege' 62 times in 1 court document to EFF!
As the old adage goes, trust is earned. It’s not a privilege freely given. The EFF has been battling Jewel v. NSA since 2008 over the mass-slurping up of emails, calls and other electronic communications. When “trust” is used in same sentence as the NSA regarding its Terrorist Surveillance Program, especially when applied to warrantless ‘dragnet’ surveillance of innocent Americans, some brains might not compute and stumble over such a combination. Sadly, it’s no surprise the agency once again claimed that supplying evidence would compromise national security and wanted the case dismissed.

Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson Have Their Say
This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: There’s an election Tuesday, and we invite the two main alternative candidates to make a case for why we should take a chance on them in an election that is already too close to call. Also: Mo Rocca and Robert Scheer. Reasons Progressives Should Care About the Courts
Like Hamlet on the battlements, the progressive left is haunted by a question: to vote for Barack Obama with all his faults or, by boycotting the elections or casting ballots for a third party, risk the inauguration of Mitt Romney? To some on the left, disaffected by Obama’s statist posture on national security, his kowtowing to Wall Street and timidity on climate change, there is no appreciable difference between the two major candidates. So why not stay true to genuine progressive values and turn away from Obama, even in the swing states?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finalized a new rule that will allow the federal agency to oversee and regulate the largest debt collection agencies.
Now those who hound you over unpaid debts will be hounded themselves by the feds.
At The Ohio Supreme Court, A Teacher Claims An "Academic Freedom" Right to Push Creationism in Public School
There is growing popular anger in New York, New Jersey and throughout the US Northeast, amidst widespread power outages and gasoline shortages in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. The US death toll rose Thursday to at least 90 people in the US and two in Canada. The storm earlier claimed at least 67 lives in the Caribbean.
The investigation revealed that Freshwater had put religious posters in his classroom, asked students questions about their religious beliefs and the depth of their commitment and even offered “healing” services at meetings of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He had also distributed “work sheets” to students that undermined evolution (but, interestingly, hadn’t let students take the materials home where parents might see them).
5 Delusional Right-Wingers Certain That Mitt Romney's Headed for a Landslide Win
Growing popular anger as Hurricane Sandy death toll rises to 90

A convenient "tie"
A tie that isn't quite what it seems, and a US election sideshow: pundit gut v nerd calculator.
(WARNING: Graphic Violence)
How GMOs poison farmers in the developing world
A visit to "Murder City"
Brought to you by the Drug Wars
Watch Mitt Romney Explain How Jesus Will Reign for 1,000 Years When He Returns, in Jerusalem... and Missouri
Climate Protester Interrupts Romney Sandy Speech
The Stupidity Of Romney Voters In Ohio – Exposed
The Presidential Debate We Never Had: Climate Change
Michael Moore, Please Drop Your Support For Obama