Atheists are Better For Politics Than Believers. Here's Why.
The Abrahamic faiths, with their disgust for sex and women, still exert deep cultural influence. When David Cameron claimed "we are a Christian country", there are certainly enough cultural relics in attitudes towards women and gays. Baroness Warsi's letter expressing alarm that schools might teach gay marriage equality causes tremors of that sexual disgust branded into the souls of all three major monotheistic faiths. Are there many gay couples perverse enough to yearn to be married inside religions that abhor them? Humanists can offer them heartfelt celebrations.
Conference Committee Drops Ban on Indefinite Detention of Americans
Congressional conference committee has dropped a provision the Senate passed earlier this yearwhich proponents said would keep American citizens arrested on U.S. soil from being detained indefinitely under the laws of war.

Powerful Court Rules Peace Activists Can Sue the U.S. Military for Infiltration
We Have an Obesity Problem in This Country.

Life Sentence for the Poor, Immunity for the Wealthy
"Surgical" Strikes
Life under 24 hour drones
The World is Getting Worse (and Other Lies)

The great global warming swindle - Full version
'V for Vendetta' and Supporting Villains

The Catch-22 of Eyewitness ID
Juries trust the memory of witnesses even when they shouldn’t.
Israel moves to further seal off Jerusalem from West Bank
Israeli officials approved plans for 2,612 homes on Givat HaMatos, a hill between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Critics say the move would so fragment Palestinian areas that drawing borders of a future state would be unworkable.
“America has a long history of killing little children.”
Americans love to think of themselves as innocents. As a result, when they are victimized they are not just in a state of mourning, but one of total disbelief when finding themselves on the receiving end of barbarity. In the moment of bereavement and shock the well documented acts of barbarity that have been and still are committed by their country are conveniently forgotten.
“America has a long history of killing little children.”
Americans love to think of themselves as innocents. As a result, when they are victimized they are not just in a state of mourning, but one of total disbelief when finding themselves on the receiving end of barbarity. In the moment of bereavement and shock the well documented acts of barbarity that have been and still are committed by their country are conveniently forgotten.
The source of union power
Two faces of the U.S. labor movement were on display in 2012. On the one hand, teachers in Chicago showed unionists everywhere that the strike weapon could succeed in turning back employer attacks, and workers at Wal-Mart took a stand at the world's largest private employer. On the other, organized labor endured historic defeats with the passage of anti-union "right-to-work" legislation in Indiana and Michigan--with labor failing to mobilize more than token opposition, even in Michigan, its one-time greatest stronghold.
Senate Wants To Sneak Warrantless Spying Bill Extension Into Law Without Debate; Let's Call Them and Tell Them No
The Senate is about to vote on an extension of the controversial FISA Amendments Act—the unconstitutional law that allows the NSA to warrantless spy on Americans speaking to people abroad. Yet you wouldn't know it by watching CSPAN because the Senate isn't debating it.
Warrantless Surveillance 101: Introducing EFF's New NSA Domestic Spying Guide
On December 14th, EFF is back in federal court challenging the NSA’s domestic spying program in our long-running case Jewel v. NSA. In anticipation of our court appearance, we’ve launched a new section of our website to give everyone a clear understanding how the NSA warrantless wiretapping program works and why we’re challenging it as unconstitutional.