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 June 20, 2014
A lot of people are not happy with politics. In many family gatherings, politics (and religion) are often frownd upon during conversation, and is usually the cause of much heated debate, incensed arguments, and possible disfellowshiping.
But even if the topic of politics is taboo, we all agree that it’s an important part of our every day lives. Everything we do, everything we buy, everything we wish to avoid has to do with politics.
No one can say that they don’t care about politics. They might not know a lot about the political landscape, but all of us are on some level or another concerned with how our country is ran, and how policies affect each of us corporately and individually.
No matter of you’re a single parent, a family of eight, a small business owner, a wealthy entrepreneur, an immigrant, or a soldier in a military family, politics and policy has a role in what is allowed and not allowed by law. Sometimes, what is allowed and not allowed is decided in spite of what the law says.
These matters and concerns have bothered and encouraged many now, as they have since the birth of politics and government leadership. And it will do so far into the future.
Most people want to be left alone, as long as they’re not harming anyone. Some want a just leadership that is not abusive. Some want to be their own leader. No matter where you stand politically, or what Party (or non-party) you show allegiance to, we all pretty much want the same thing: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Some people stood up for themselves, and some people weren’t allowed to stand at all, but all had a voice. Some were political, some were philosophical, but all were thought-provoking.
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