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My Big Fat American Election

How to Create a Multi-Level Movement for Climate Justice
The more we hear calls for the urgency of climate justice like that of Bill McKibben’s JulyRolling Stone article, the more we confront a strategic dilemma: Where shall we put our energy, on the local or national level?
You may have never heard of Henry I. Miller, but right now he is attempting to determine the future of food in this country. And he has enormous financial backing.
Ex-CIA Officer, Torture Whistleblower to Be Sentenced for Leak
Former CIA officer and torture whistleblower John Kiriakou plead guilty on Tuesday to a charge of revealing an undercover operative's identity, a case that whistleblower advocates say shows continued immunity for torturers while those who expose the torture are prosecuted.
ACLU to Testify Thursday Before House Field Panel on Domestic Drones and Privacy
Hearing in Houston Will Be Webcast
From Master Plan to No Plan: The Slow Death of Public Higher Education
The California student movement has a slogan that goes, “Behind every fee hike, a line of riot cops.” And no one embodies that connection more than the Ronald Reagan of the 1960s. Elected governor of California in 1966 after running a scorched-earth campaign against the University of California, Reagan vowed to “clean up that mess in Berkeley,” warned audiences of “sexual orgies so vile that I cannot describe them to you,” complained that outside agitators were bringing left-wing subversion into the university, and railed against spoiled children of privilege skipping their classes to go to protests.
Universities and the Urban Growth Machine
Why has the price tag of an American college degree skyrocketed (500 percent in the public sector since 1985) in recent decades? Instructional cost is not one of the reasons. Salaries of full-time faculty have been stagnant for a long time, and the massive conversion of tenure track jobs into contingent positions (more than two-thirds of professors are now off the tenure track) has sliced the teaching payroll at almost all institutions.
During this week and the last, perhaps a couple of hundred of Wal-Mart workers have walked out of their stores in at least a dozen cities across America. They have formed picket lines, spoken to the press, and demonstrated that it is possible to put the name of the nation’s largest private-sector employer in the same sentence with the word “strike.”
With 60,000 dead, Mexicans wonder why drug war doesn't rate in presidential debate
Much of Latin America was dismayed that they got only a glancing mention in Romney and Obama's final presidential debate.
King of the Hill

5 Effects of Fracking You May Not Know About

America’s Drone Terrorism
The NYU/Stanford report goes beyond reporting estimates of the civilian casualties inflicted by the deadly and illegal U.S. campaign. It also documents the hell the Pakistanis endure under President Barack Obama’s policy, which includes a “kill list” from which he personally selects targets. That hell shouldn’t be hard to imagine. Picture yourself living in an area routinely visited from the air by pilotless aircraft carrying Hellfire missiles. This policy is hardly calculated to win friends for the United States.
CIA Chiefs Face Arrest over Horrific Evidence of Bloody 'Video-Game' Sorties by Drone Pilots
A damning dossier assembled from exhaustive research into the strikes’ targets sets out in heartbreaking detail the deaths of teachers, students and Pakistani policemen. It also describes how bereaved relatives are forced to gather their loved ones’ dismembered body parts in the aftermath of strikes.
The Real Reason America Is Drifting Towards Fascism
The unique modern strain of American fascism can be traced through Leo Strauss and the University of Chicago.
Will the Apocalypse Arrive Online?
First the financial system collapses and it's impossible to access one’s money. Then the power and water systems stop functioning. Within days, society has begun to break down. In the cities, mothers and fathers roam the streets, foraging for food. The country finds itself fractured and fragmented -- hardly recognizable.
The Billionaires' Pity Party: Richest People in History Can't Stop Whining About Oppression
Climate Silence: It’s the Right, Stupid
Chris Hayes on the Silence on Climate Change at the Debates
Learn How to Strike Debt