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WATCH: Full Expanding the Debate Special on Foreign Policy Featuring Jill Stein, Rocky Anderson
Helping Republicans Find Real Voter Fraud in America
Republican officials across the country are having a major problem with their widely ballyhooed claim that they must create new barriers to voting in order to ensure the "integrity" of the ballot. The problem is this: Their high-decibel effort is completely devoid of integrity.
Solutions Worth Debating
America has some big problems and it needs equally big solutions. In this current media-frenzied presidential race, the American people are looking to the two major party candidates -- Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama -- for solutions. However, they are coming back empty-handed as the candidates continue to push their party agendas, speaking in talking points rather than addressing real problems.
Exposed 'Kill Matrix' Gives Permanence to US 'War on Terror'

US to Sue Bank of America for $1bn Over 'Brazen' Mortgage Fraud
The civil mortgage fraud lawsuit centers around the bank's program known as "Hustle," a program it absorbed from Countrywide Financial when it bought the company in 2008.
Republican Fundraiser in Utah, Charged With Multiple Counts of Rape and Kidnapping, Commits Suicide
Republican Fundraiser in Utah, Charged With Multiple Counts of Rape and Kidnapping, Commits Suicide

Voting Dirty Tricks Begin
Earlier today (Oct.16), our friends at the Election Protection Coalition alerted us to reports of dirty tricks being deployed against voters in Virginia and Florida.
Americans United Says Taxpayers Have Right To Challenge Church Control Of Federal Program
Watchdog Group Tells Court That Public Has Right To Question Bishops’ Restrictions On Program To Help Sex-Trafficking Victims
Another third party debate in the works
The Free and Equal Elections Foundation has announced plans to host a second debatebetween third-party presidential candidates on Oct. 30 in Washington, following up on a similar event the group hosted Tuesday night in Chicago.
Dispelling The Myth: Taxes And Job Creation
We invite you to talk about something that is very important to all of us: taxes and jobs.
After the US presidential debates: The political issues facing the working class
It is now less than two weeks to Election Day in the United States. The campaigns of the two principal candidates have exposed the fraudulent, anti-democratic character of the entire electoral process. The American people are presented with a “choice” between two candidates who have, in the end, no significant political differences.
‘Robin Hood’ Tax Comes to Part of EU
The head of the European Commission supports the tax and encourages the other 17 member states to follow suit—the U.K. is most vehemently opposed—saying that it could help greatly with the debt crisis.
What Are GMO? What Is A GMO? What Foods Are Genetically Modified? California Prop 37 Decoded
What Are GMO? What Is A GMO? A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered...
With the debates over and nary a word on climate change, many are asking what the significance of the silence means. This is the first time in decades that climate change has not been addressed during a presidential debate. But raising the issue during the debates in the past has not necessarily resulted in improved understanding of the science or significant action to pass emissions standards through Congress.
Walmart legal troubles mount as Black Friday walkout looms

Student loans get the same subpar servicing that subprime mortgages do
The parallels between the mortgage market and the student loan industry have been frequently noted. Both involve big borrowing and have a history of lax underwritingby lenders. But the two are also strikingly similar in another way: When it comes to both mortgages and student debt, the servicers, or companies that handle loan payments, sometimes add roadblocks and give struggling borrowers the runaround.
‘Ten Commandments’ Judge Roy Moore: God punishing the U.S. over marriage equality and abortion

In the beginning, as we know, was the Word of one Joseph Smith Jr., founder of the Mormon Church, finder of the so-called Golden Plates from which he was able to translate the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith today in Mormon theology is considered “the prophet, priest and king.” When Mitt Romney avows “My faith is the faith of my fathers—I will be true to them,” the father he invokes is Smith. This should be highly troubling.
Obama and Romney: War No Matter Who Wins Election
Does Romney’s Religion Condone Torture?
Nobody asked Governor Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama about torture during Monday night’s “foreign policy debate”—but someone should have.
Isn’t It Time To Take Down Ann Coulter?

No matter the final outcome, the presidential race has already brought about grim prospects for the future of civil liberties in the US.
Scholars say election likely to redefine nation’s priorities
Anonymous going to lauch wikileaks like project called TYLER
US Does Not Want Real Democracy in Middle East: Chomsky
US Does Not Want Real Democracy in Middle East: Chomsky
Visiting AUC for first time in 19 years, Noam Chomsky speaks of potential Israel-Iran conflict and America's fear of democracy in Middle East
UK Support for US Drones in Pakistan May be War Crime, Court is Told
Lawyers for Pakistani man whose father was killed by drone strike seek to have sharing of UK intelligence declared unlawful
GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Calls Rape Pregnancies A ‘Gift From God’
Michael Pollan: From GMOs to NYC’s Soda Ban, Local Efforts Challenge Agri-Giants’ National Control
Third-party presidential debate gives a voice to long-shot candidates
Congress: "Corrupt to the Core"
GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Calls Rape Pregnancies A ‘Gift From God’