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For Israel, costs and benefits of striking Gaza
Israel assassinated a senior Hamas militant Ahmed Jabari today. How much further will the Gaza strikes go?
Israel pushes back on Palestinian bid for new UN status
The Palestinians are seeking a global mandate for statehood at the United Nations. Israel warns the move would nullify the Oslo Accords.
State petitions to secede from US: Are they just helping liberals?
Some on the right are concerned that the petitions to secede, posted on a White House website by angry voters, are setting conservatives up as easy targets for the mockery of liberals.
Multiple airstrikes already started, ground invasion may follow
Obama's First Priority: Economy, Not Climate Change
During President Barack Obama's first press conference since his re-election, reporter Mark Landler of The New York Times asked Obama how he plans to tackle climate change -- an issue that was largely ignored during Obama's campaign. Though Obama used several key phrases that may keep climate change activists happy, he still made it clear that climate change was not his first priority.
Israel tops the list of the world’s most militarised nations, according to the latest Global Militarisation Index released Tuesday by the Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC).
Pakistan Announces Armed Drone Program
Pakistan, which is home to endless lethal drone strikes conducted by the US, has decided to carry armed drones of its own, according to officials in Islamabad.
Wall Street Uses "Liberal" Front Group to Lead Its Assault on Social Security

Cybersecurity Bill’s Outlook Still Bleak
When sweeping cybersecurity legislation failed to advance in the Senate in August, it went down with a barrage of finger-pointing and posturing. And aides from both parties say that nothing really has changed since it was filibustered.
Congress expands whistleblower protections in bill
The Senate on Tuesday gave final congressional approval for a bill that would significantly expand protections for federal employees who expose fraud, waste and abuse and make it easier to punish supervisors who try to retaliate against the whistle-blowers.

CIA able to keep its secrets on budgets, bad apples
IG documents reveal porn, fraud, other misconduct
Police in Fall River, MA have a new surveillance tool, ShotSpotter, a gunshot detection system. It consists of audio sensors installed on buildings and utility poles that are supposed to detect gunshots and alert police to their exact locations within minutes. ShotSpotter may or may not reduce crime, but it may also reduce privacy, by detecting and recording conversations that police have no right to hear.
Drudge Goes All in With "Secession" Meme as the Republican War on the Constitution Escalates
Gaza Under Attack: Israeli Military Assassinates Hamas Leader in First Salvo of Bombing Campaign
Israel has killed a senior Hamas leader for the first time in almost four years. More Hamas members continue to be targeted, while reports come in of civilians in Gaza being killed and injured.
Israel Ignores Intl Law With Gaza Bombing, Enjoys US, UK SupportIsrael has killed a senior Hamas leader for the first time in almost four years. More Hamas members continue to be targeted, while reports come in of civilians in Gaza being killed and injured.
US President Barack Obama “reiterated US support for Israel's right to self-defense in light of rocket attacks from Gaza” in a phone call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.
Obama's Kill List Policy Compels US Support for Israeli Attacks on Gaza
Israel's escalating air attacks on Gaza follow the depressingly familiar pattern that shapes this conflict. Overwhelming Israeli force slaughters innocent Palestinians, including children, which is preceded (and followed) by far more limited rocket attacks into Israel which kill a much smaller number, rocket attacks which are triggered by various forms of Israeli provocations -- all of which, most crucially, takes place in the context of Israel's 45-year-old brutal occupation of the Palestinians (and, despite a "withdrawal" of troops, that includes Gaza, over which Israel continues to exercise extensive dominion). The debates over these episodes then follow an equally familiar pattern, strictly adhering to a decades-old script that, by design at this point, goes nowhere.
Ground War? Israeli Forces Amass on Gaza Border
Assault on Palestinian territory continues as Netanyahu tells Israelis to expect further action and regional leaders condemn 'viciousness'
Death and Tragedy in Gaza: A Timeline
How Israel shattered Gaza truce leading to escalating violence
5 Ways the Right-Wing Is Taking Crazy to New Heights
Doctored (movie trailer)
Who tells the doctor what to say?
The "Fiscal Cliff" Fiction
Netanyahu Speaks On Israeli Morality