Justice Department will monitor Election Day votes in 23 states
How to Steal an Election (Again)
Operations Plan:
1 – Step 1A: You, Mitt Romney, make millions of dollars by buying troubled companies, increasing their debt and then allowing them to go bankrupt, all with the result of reaping millions of dollars (and parking your plundered earnings in offshore tax havens)
Support for Kill List and NDAA make Obama and Romney unfit for office
The U.S. President has killed an American citizen without due process, without even charging him with a crime. His decision to do this has been challenged by members of neither party.
Top Ten Coming Disasters: Romney's America 2016

Paul Ryan's 'Judeo-Christian' Fear Mongering

Power to the People - Below the Poverty Line
With all the attention being paid this election to millionaire campaign donors and the importance of helping the middle class, candidates on both sides are overlooking one critical segment of our society. And it’s not a small segment – in fact it numbers over 46 million people and potential voters.
Stormy Elections, Wars & Occupations
The massive storm that ravaged Haiti, Cuba, and much of the east coast of the United States may be the ‘shock and awe’ of climate change’s permanent war against the U.S. (it attacked the rest of the world much earlier). Some argued that the storm’s ferocity was the great equalizer, that rich as well as poor were left without power, that luxury townhouses were swept aside along with seaside shacks. But that ignores the stark reality of the wealth-poverty divide in this country – laid newly bare by the storm.
A Vote for the Republicans is a Vote Against Yourself: 5 Reasons Why
To be more precise, it's a vote against yourself as long as you're making less than $250,000 a year, which includes about 99% of us. The Republicans have repeatedly turned against middle-class and low-income Americans in their legislative proposals over the past two years. Here are some of the sordid details.
What Would Romney Do to Civil Liberties?Eh, pretty much what Obama has done. Because when it comes to the war on terror, there's not much difference between the two candidates.
Police drones prompt privacy concerns
Drones are well-known for their ability to hunt down suspected terrorists abroad, but they have also increasingly become a popular tool of police departments around the country. Drones are cheaper to build and fly than helicopters, making them a cost-effective option for police departments looking to gain a bird's eye view of a scene. But privacy groups are sounding alarm that there aren't enough legal safeguards in place to prevent drones from being used for mass surveillance.
Why We Need New Rights to Privacy
Because of technological advances, we must spell out what used to be taken for granted.
Drones are well-known for their ability to hunt down suspected terrorists abroad, but they have also increasingly become a popular tool of police departments around the country. Drones are cheaper to build and fly than helicopters, making them a cost-effective option for police departments looking to gain a bird's eye view of a scene. But privacy groups are sounding alarm that there aren't enough legal safeguards in place to prevent drones from being used for mass surveillance.
Because of technological advances, we must spell out what used to be taken for granted.
Checking Big Brother
What if the government was tapping your phone unconstitutionally, and there was nothing you could do about it? That’s just life in the United States of America, at least according to the Justice Department. On Monday, October 29, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. argued in the Supreme Court that, for all practical purposes, the most expansive authority Congress has ever given the government to intercept Americans’ international phone calls and e-mails could not be challenged in court, even by the very people most likely to be harmed by it.
War on poverty? Why presidential campaigns don't talk about the poor.
Neither President Obama nor Mitt Romney has made poverty a big part of his campaign. It's no wonder. Poverty has become something of a toxic issue for many American voters.
What Jewish Voters Should Know About the Source of Those 'Support Israel? Fire Obama' Yard Signs

"We Need Help": Battered by Sandy, Desperate Residents of New York’s Far Rockaways Plead for Aid