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How Super PACs Mutated the 2012 Election

American democracy's downhill slide continued in 2012.
Wall Street Moguls Whine About How Tough Their Lives Are With Obama Win
The bankers are whining big-time. Their favorite son lost, and their chief enemy won. Here's what needs to happen.
The 5 Most Sexist Moments of the Campaign
It wasn't just GOP candidates being sexist; the media and even Democrats targeted female candidates with questionable language and ads.
Barbara Ehrenreich: Obama, Kiss Goldman Sachs Good-bye and Bail Out Everyday Americans!
Iran Fired On U.S. Drone Because It Violated Airspace, Says Iranian Official
A prominent Iranian parliament member said Friday that a U.S. drone violated Iran's airspace a week ago, when the Pentagon says it was fired on. The U.S. maintains the pilotless craft was over international waters.
American Muslims celebrate defeat of congressional critics
(RNS) American Muslims are celebrating the ouster of two congressmen known for their anti-Islamic rhetoric, and heralding the outcomes as a sign that Muslim voters, at least in some districts, are a political force to be reckoned with.
E-books are tracking your reading habits
More and more people are reading e-books - most of them on the train or the bus. But few readers realize that e-book providers know more about them than they think.
Obama's second term filled with challenges at home and abroad
The immediate priority is the fiscal cliff facing the the US. Faced with gridlock in Washington, the debt ceiling talks almost 18 months ago invoked an assurance for reducing the national debt and deficit. In order to raise the debt ceiling, the opposing parties agreed to sequestration of a $1 trillion across the board cut, half of which would come from defense spending.
FCC Wants to End Persecution of Media Moguls
Yes, You Can Talk About Climate Change on TV
FAIR's new alert takes aim at the Sunday morning chat shows (Meet the Press, This Week, Face the Nation and Fox News Sunday) for ignoring climate change this weekend– right after "superstorm" Sandy devastated the East Coast.
The Battle for Voting Rights Isn't Over
The attempts at voter suppression turned out to be no match for civil-rights lawyers and grassroots volunteers. But that hardly means the fight is over.
Obama Must Rewrite His Foreign Policy Legacy
With a more than comfortable margin of 332 to 206 electoral votes, President Barack Obama held onto office last Tuesday. Now the big question for foreign policy is whether Legacy Obama will be a bolder advocate for peace than the disappointing Campaign Obama.
Yes, Companies Are Harvesting and Selling Your Facebook Profile
Yesterday, we got a rare look at how information on your public social media profiles—including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn—is being harvested and resold by large consumer data companies.
Hugo Chavez to Obama: Stop Invading Countries, Focus on Your Country's Social Woes
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez on Thursday urged newly re-elected President Obama to "stop invading" other countries and "think about his own country" which suffers from social and economic problems.
Yes We Can, We Did, and Now Obama’s Second Term Is Our Responsibility
Yes, election night was a heck of a party and it’s great that the really bad guys lost. Karl Rove and his reactionary ilk were defeated by a new American majority that is younger, more tolerant, rainbow colored and multilingual and one in which women now trump the depressing ignorance of so many older white men. But morning in America already feels too much like a hangover. The house is still a wreck, the family is dysfunctional and there are enormous bills to pay that are not about to go away.
Elizabeth Warren Could Tackle Wall Street Through Senate Banking Seat
Newly elected Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, whose career and recent campaign incorporated a vigorous critique of Wall Street misdeeds and power in Washington, stands a good chance of securing a seat on the Senate Banking Committee, according to Senior Senate Democratic aides who spoke anonymously to Reuters.
Voting Rights Act To Go Before Supreme Court
The Supreme Court announced Friday that it would decide whether an historic portion of the Voting Rights Act protecting against racial discrimination is constitutional.
Obama's Killer Drones
President Barack Obama may be well liked around the world, but Pakistanis have a dim view of the re-elected leader.
Noam Chomsky: The Soul-Crushing Cruelties Perpetrated by America's Number 1 Ally

The Israeli political leadership is committed to crushing Palestinian hopes for a decent future.
Populist Revolution? How a Bold New Voter Coalition Can Reshape the Nation
Minorities, independent women, gays, working-class white voters, and younger people overcame through high turnout a fierce social conservative block.
An important lesson that politicians can learn from the American election"
The Religious Right is dead" announced the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday morning after the defeat of the Republican Party in the US election. The headline was over a blog by the paper's rather wacky blogs editor Damian Thompson, but Mr Thompson seems to be first to have acknowledged that for all the hype about the power and influence of America's religious conservatives, in the end they failed dismally to swing the election.