The Socialist Equality Party calls on all its supporters in the US to cast a vote for SEP candidates Jerry White for president and Phyllis Scherrer for vice president in today’s election. A vote for the SEP is a class-conscious statement of support for the socialist, working-class alternative to the two parties of big business, the Democrats and Republicans.
20 Things You Didn’t Know About The White House
The 2012 election has been one of the most hyped in history. We’ve been hearing about both these candidate for years now, so at this point you probably know everything there is to know about them. But what do you know about the house they are battling to inhabit: the White House? Probably less than you think.
The Next President Is Lucky
Whoever wins the election will get to preside over a growing economy and look like a genius.
Obummer vs. Mittens
The most popular nasty nicknames for the candidates—a Slate infographic.
The Battle For Congress: Senate And House Races To Watch
For Republicans itching to regain control of the Senate, Tuesday's election presents a rare opportunity. Only 10 GOP incumbents are on the ballot, compared with nearly two dozen Democrats and independents who caucus with them.
Voting Queue Etiquette: Hey, Buddy, That's Out Of Line!
For most of us, Election Day marks a welcome end to months of relentless political ads and partisan bickering. You show up at your polling place, run the gantlet of sign-wielding campaign volunteers, and join your fellow Americans in long lines that inch toward the voting booth.
Guide For The Day: An Election Day Timeline
The finish line is in sight as voters make their final decisions on Election Day. Here's a guide to key times of the day across the nation. Stay with NPR throughout the day as we follow the presidential race and key battles that will determine control of the House and Senate.
Voters To Settle Tight And Turbulent Presidential Battle
As Americans go to the polls, one of the closest presidential races in years may be determined by a state in the Midwest and a hurricane named Sandy.
Let’s Kill the Electoral College So We Never Have to Pay Attention to Ohio and Florida Again
According to election polls, the presidential race is neck and neck. According to election polls, our country is split right down the middle. According to election polls, it's anyone's guess who will be the next president of the United States.
Voters increasingly post their ballot outcomes on social media
Americans going to the polls increasingly let others know the outcome of their vote by announcing it through social media, the Pew Research Center finds.
Whatever It Takes, Get Out and Vote!

It's the big day. It'll be interesting to see how you voted-- how Opednews readers voted. We don't tie votes to individuals, so your vote in this poll is confidential. It's an Opednews reader exit poll.
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We the People, and the New American Civil WarThe vitriol is worse is worse than I ever recall. Worse than the Palin-induced smarmy 2008. Worse than the swift-boat lies of 2004. Worse, even, than the anything-goes craziness of 2000 and its ensuing bitterness.
Displaced New Yorkers can vote
Governor Cuomo is signing an Executive Order which provides that a voter who is a resident in the federally-declared disaster counties of Nassau, Rockland, Suffolk, Westchester and of New York City who have been displaced by Hurricane Sandy can vote an affadavit ballot at any poll site in New York State.
What Would Jesus Do? Sex, Hell and Christianity in the Noose of the Presidential Election
According to ABC News, Paul Ryan offered a voting advisory during a conference call with evangelical voters on Sunday evening, Nov. 4, issuing "a warning about a second Obama term saying the president is putting the country on a "dangerous path' that compromises 'Judeo-Christian, western civilization values.'"
Obama and Romney differ on energy policy, but less than you might think
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's endorsement of President Obama for his stance on climate change has brought the candidate's energy policy back into focus.
Lies, Damned Lies and Paul Ryan Lies
In a campaign where the standard for what constitutes the "big lie" keeps getting adjusted upward, Ryan is trumping even Mitt Romney by attacking President Obama and Vice President Biden for backing policies that Ryan backed.
7 Reasons to Vote for Obama over Romney
Obama vs. Romney on Civil Liberties
The Religious Right
The movement generally referred to in the United States as the Religious Right came of age in the late 1970s. While the Religious Right is extremely diverse and shouldn't be characterized in simple terms, the movement as we have come to know it is an ultraconservative religious response to the sexual revolution and other events that are seen, by Religious Right proponents, as being connected to the sexual revolution--and an attempt to effect this religious response as public policy.
The Dogs of War Are Barking, Mitt Romney’s Team Wants to Let ‘Em Loose in Iran
It’s the consensus among the pundits: foreign policy doesn’t matter in this presidential election. They point to the ways Republican candidate Mitt Romney has more or less parroted President Barack Obama on just about everything other than military spending and tough talk about another “American century.” The consensus is wrong. There is an issue that matters: Iran.
Why Do Both Major Parties Suck So Badly On Civil Liberties?
Over the weekend, I saw an article on Salon about how shameful it is that supporters of President Obama, who were loud in their condemnation of attacks on civil liberties by George W. Bush, seemed to ignore that President Obama has been worse in many ways (despite many public promises to the contrary). We've already noted that the Democratic Party -- which had fixing civil liberties abuses in its 2008 platform -- has removed all traces of that from the new platform. You would think that, for those who believe strongly in civil liberties, this would be a major concern. Rather than fix them, President Obama continued or expanded many of the very questionable policies of his predecessor, and then added a number of terrifying new ones.
Despite a prominent presence in the campaign, US policy towards China is very unlikely to change - especially on the hyper-sensitive topic of human rights.
The Best (And Worst) Of The 2012 CampaignElection Day is finally here and after a year and a half of non-stop campaigning it can’t come fast enough. But before today’s race becomes yesterday’s news and we move on to the transition or the fiscal cliff or (God forbid) the recount, we at TPM wanted to take one last look back at just how far we’ve come.
Election Day Live: Voter Intimidation; Obama Office Burglarized; Right-Wing Paranoia Blossoms