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George McGovern:A Life Devoted to Liberalism

Utah's Largest Paper Endorses Obama

The Opiate of Exceptionalism

Mitt Romney's Heartless Advice to a Woman Whose Pregnancy Might Have Killed Her
Why (some) Christians support discrimination
Plenty of claims that removal of discrimination violates principles of religious freedom. Even that provision of exemptions for religious organisations is “forcing Christians back into their churches.” Removing them from the public square!
More Iraqi babies suffer birth defects caused by US weapons
Romney-Ryan ticket to return a more militarized version of Bush era
A Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan administration would bring back to American foreign and domestic policy all the worst elements of the Bush administration, along with a greater degree of militarism, home-grown fascism, and a greater likelihood of war with such countries as Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, China, and Russia.
US committing holocaust for regime change in Iran: Analyst
Zionist Jews biggest donors to presidential bids of Obama, Romney
Zionist Jews are the biggest donors that finance the US presidential election campaign of both the Democratic President Barack Obama as well as his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney.
New York Times Flacks for Jewish Groups Against 15 Major Christian LeadersYou have to know American Jewish "leaders" are really riled up when they call on the New York Times to flack for them against 15 leaders of Christian churches who had the audacity to send a letter to the US Congress, which said, with proper Christian indignation:
Prescient About America: George McGovernGeorge McGovern, who has just died, was prescient about America. When he ran for president 40 years ago, he well-understood what the federal government of the United States had become, among other national dysfunctions.
An Exceptional America CAN have a Bloodless Revolution Overnight! It sounds too good to be true, but it isn't, and we are surely at risk of much worse happening 'overnight', if Romney gets to fulfill his DAY ONE hopes. So let's take a look at how a few major changes, by making ours a citizen owned, self-reliant, largely money-less society, can improve our individual personal situations, on micro- to macro- (like family, social, employment, health, educational, and environmental, including property) levels. This would also give us a better standing in the world than we've EVER known, and will put us in a good position to pay off the deficit, and to help other countries in more permanent and meaningful ways. It would also change the way that the Constitution, and thus, law itself, will be presented, changed and simplified, and enforced clearly and fairly.
Clear and Present Danger: The Corporatist Two Party DuopolyCorporatism (or Corporate Fascism) --A term often first attributed to Benito Mussolini of Italy in the early 1900's defining the complete merger of the corporations with the nation state. Also, often referred to as just Fascism. Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt wrote an article about fascism ("Fascism Anyone?," Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20). Studying the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism.
Israel Again Commits Barbarism and PiracyIsrael again egregiously violated fundamental international law.
Spam campaign tricking thousands with shortened .gov URLs
6 Reasons to Stop Trusting Banks
Recently, the Federal Reserve has been allocating $40 million each month to help lower mortgage rates, according to the Washington Post. With this money, the U.S. government is hoping that the banks will grant loans at lower rates to boost the housing market. It’s a great plan… unless the banks decided not to modify the loan rates and keep most of the money for itself anyway, which is exactly what they’re doing, despite already making record profits as of late.
Jewish Domination? Occupation More Likely
The recent attack on Free Gaza’s Greta Berlin and Colonel Ann Wright suggests that we have crossed a red line -- Jewish domination within the Palestinian solidarity movement belongs to the past. We are now, it seems, under Zionist occupation, and we are subject to all the symptoms of Israeli abuse and Zionist brutality.
Chomsky In Gaza: Academic Boycott “Will Strengthen Support For Israel”
Children Under Attack in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Six children were attacked in Afghanistan and Pakistan this past week. Three of them, teenaged girls on a school bus in Peshawar, in the tribal region of western Pakistan, were shot and gravely wounded by two Taliban gunmen who were after Malala Yousufzai, a 14-year-old girl who has been bravely demanding the right of girls to an education. After taking a bullet to the head, and facing further death threats, she has been moved to a specialty hospital in Britain. Her two wounded classmates are being treated in Pakistan. The other three children were not so lucky. They were killed Sunday in an aerial attack by a US aircraft in the the Nawa district of Helmand Province in Afghanistan, not so far from Pakistan.
More Scams From the Secret Police
How misleading can a "news" article get? Try this headline: "Federal Reserve bombing plot foiled in NYC". There never was a plot to foil. There never was a plot independent of the FBI to foil. The plot was of the FBI's own devising and instigation. There never was an ongoing crime for the FBI to detect and stop.
The Fall of America and the Rise In Spirit
It wasn't very long ago when the worldview of the United States was one of a country that represented justice, democracy, freedom and moral accountability, even if only in the minds of the naive. Unfortunately, not only does the U.S. no longer remind anyone of these values, but the mention of these values is now scorned by many ordinary Americans that have gobbled up the Military-Industrial-Complex paradigm of the fascist global government.
Afghan girl 'beheaded for refusing prostitution'
Afghan police have arrested four people who allegedly tried to force a woman into prostitution and beheaded her when she refused.
The corporate war against science
Dishonesty: Source and cure
The 1%'s Power and Privileges
Bush, Blair Wanted For Crimes Against Humanity: Boyle
Countdown to Armageddon
Gaza-bound Ship 'Attacked By Israel Forces'