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For over a decade now, it has taken courage simply to follow events in the public sphere. One after another, the dikes we had built as limits to the harm the most powerful could inflict on ordinary people have been overtopped as if they were merely quaint, decorative borders.
Is Your Boss Going To "Mine" Your Vote? More Corporations Step Up Coercion
In recent weeks, a flurry of news coverage has focused on an undemocratic trend in workplaces around the country: employers telling their workers which politicians they should vote for. CEOs for Murray Energy, Koch Industries, ASG Software, and Westgate Resorts have pressured their employees to vote for particular political candidates, like Mitt Romney.
Bill Moyers: The Plutocracy Will Go to Extremes to Keep the 1% in Control
Fracking Poisoning Families at Alarming Rate: Report
Residents living near gas fracking sites suffer an increasingly high rate of health problems now linked to pollutants used in the gas extraction process, according to a new report released Thursday.
In his first visit to Gaza, American linguistic scholar Noam Chomsky on Thursday called on Israel to end a six-year blockade of the occupied territory.
When Police Spy on Free Speech, Democracy Suffers

Civil rights groups criticize police surveillance
A coalition of civil rights groups is calling on the Boston Police Department to stop what they're calling the agency's routine monitoring of political demonstrations and investigations of activists who aren't criminal suspects. Boston police officials said that isn't their practice, but admitted saving some intelligence reports unrelated to criminal activity for too long due to a computer glitch. in 9/11 case weighs whether Constitution applies at Guantanamo
The End of the New World Order
The upheavals of the early 21st century have changed our world. Now, in the aftermath of failed wars and economic disasters, pressure for a social alternative can only grow
Billboard Wars - The Savage vs. the Civilized
Back on 1 August 2012 I posted a piece entitled History on a Billboard. It reported on the placement, in the northern suburbs of New York City, of informational billboards with maps of Palestine showing the steady growth of Israeli confiscated territory and the corresponding shrinkage of territory available to the indigenous Palestinians. It also told the observer that “4.7 million Palestinians are classified by the UN as Refugees.” Although Zionists labelled the billboard as “anti-Semitic,” it was nothing of the kind. It was wholly informational, and completely accurate.
America: From Colony to Nation to Slave
As Americans fixate on the presidential campaign, they also should note the status of President Obama and Governor Romney. Yes, both are presidential candidates, but both are also men who — with their predecessors and the Congress — have willingly surrendered American sovereignty and independence to Israel and its U.S.-citizen advocates (Jewish and Evangelical), their organizations, and much of the media.
Obamneycare Converts Health Care Into Profits
In the guest section there is a new contribution by Dr. Robert S. Dotson. He points out that Obamneycare is two versions of the same thing. A person has to be gullible and uninformed to believe the claims of Obama and Romney that their replacements for Medicare will save money and improve care. What the schemes do is convert public monies into private profits.
Every Green Energy Failure Is News
USA Today (10/17/12) ran a story about a battery manufacturer filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. But the story might as well have been a press release from the Mitt Romney campaign.
Obama prepares protracted Afghanistan occupation
With the US presidential election little more than two weeks away, the Obama administration is quietly preparing to keep tens of thousands of troops in Afghanistan. These preparations, little noted in the corporate media, are unfolding even as Obama and his running mate, Vice President Joseph Biden, tell voters that the 11-year-old war is to end in 2014.
‘Are We There Yet?’ Or Why Presidential Campaigns Don’t Work

Ron Paul on US Government Drug Trafficking
Recorded: August 26, 1988
CIA Demands Drones Despite 80% Civilian Death Rate
Ashindi Maxton: America's Founding Inequality and Citizens United
How we can solve the Palestinian-Israeli problem