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Alleged terrorist arrested for trying to blow up Federal Reserve building in NYC
A young man was arrested on Wednesday for attempting to blow up the Federal Reserve building in New York City. According to NBC 4 New York, 21-year-old Quazi Mohammed Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis is an immigrant from Bangladesh, here on a student visa since January. He was studing cyber security at a college in Missouri, reported CNN News.
Whistleblower Paid and Reinstated after OSHA Ruling
Whistleblower Paid and Reinstated after OSHA Ruling
OpEd: Whistleblowers can help prevent future food fiascos
The first thing to understand about the XL Foods recall is that it was almost certainly preventable. As in all such incidents, those responsible would have us believe it was some kind of fluke, unforeseeable and beyond human control. This is unlikely.
Romney Binder Full of Top Ten Mistakes and Falsehoods
Romney Binder Full of Top Ten Mistakes and Falsehoods
1. Romney attempted to convey the impression that he has worked to increase women's employment as governor, reaching out to women's groups and receiving "binders of women" from them. (Yes, that is what he said). But Romney made no effort to hire women managers at Bain Capital, and even today only 4 of out of 49 of Bain's managing directors are women.
Economic Inequality Must Be Part of the Debate!
The future of our democracy is at stake. For four decades, the divide between the rich and the poor has been widening -- that didn't just start with this administration. We have allowed our government to be bought and sold by a few lobbyists and the billionaires and millionaires who line their pockets with oil, prison, war, gun and insurance money. In those forty years, there has not been anyone that has represented these hijackers of our democracy better than "Money" Mitt Romney. He is THEIR guy! That is precisely why the Super PACs spend most of their money on his campaign (4 to 1), because they know that he is for sale, like a NASCAR driver.
reports on grassroots protests in New York City and elsewhere calling attention to the environmental damage caused by fracking.
Exclusive Interview: Chris Hedges: Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt

American-Style Fascism
On October 16, Hofstra University (Hempstead, NY) hosted the second Obama/Romney charade. Demagogic blather again took center stage. Ritualistic theater was featured. Grade F spectacle defines it.
EU Wages War on Free Expression
Free expression in all forms is fundamental. Without it, all other freedoms are at risk. Included are free speech, thought, culture, intellectual inquiry, and press freedom.
After months of trying to confiscate the information Occupy Wall Street provides to the public on a daily basis, they got their chance when the person responsible for the information table stepped away for a moment, leaving another long-time protester in charge of it. At 1:10 A.M. Lt. Connelly did a walk-though to inspect for violations of NYPD orders.
U.S. Joins Israel in Blockading Higher Education Opportunities for Students in Gaza
As another international activist ship is on the high seas to break the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza, the United States government has joined with Israel to blockade higher education opportunities for students in Gaza and the West Bank.

Presidential Polls 2012: 15 Percent Less Young People Will Vote in 2012
This morning the Harvard Public Opinion Project released our bi-annual poll of over 2,000 18-29 year olds from all across the United States. The poll provides a unique insight into millennial thinking about the 2012 election especially in comparison to our previous polling going back over a decade.
The Risky Business of Eating in America

Five Reasons Politicians Can No Longer Ignore the Nones
The news on “nones” is the latest hot topic.(1) Not just around secular movement water coolers, but in the mainstream media. Major newspapers read: “losing our religion,” “one in five Americans reports no religious affiliation” and “labeled ‘nones’ because they claim either no religious preference or no religion at all.” While the public focus is on the changing religious identity of the average American, the takeaway for elected officials should be this: the religious unaffiliated are a growing segment of the electorate.
We are here. We have no religion. Get used to it.

The Secular Movement Can Reshape Public Policy
With a new survey from Pew showing that about one in five Americans are now religiously unaffiliated, it would be reasonable to ask what impact, if any, the rapidly growing secular movement will have on public policy. (Among those under 30, the percentage is even higher: one in three.) This enormous demographic, silent for so long, is finding its voice, and the fallout could be significant.
Debates should probe Obama’s ‘Big Brother’ expansion, according to politicians, journalists and privacy activists
Discussion of the continued expansion of the “Big Brother” surveillance apparatus in the United States in recent years has been notably absent during the presidential debates, raising concern among journalists, politicians and privacy rights activists that candidates aren’t being pressed or even queried on what they see as a continuing erosion of civil liberties in the country.
Report: Welfare government’s single largest budget item in FY 2011 at approx. $1.03 trillionThe government spent approximately $1.03 trillion on 83 means-tested federal welfare programs in fiscal year 2011 alone — a price tag that makes welfare that year the government’s largest expenditure, according to new data released by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee.
US in talks on extending Afghanistan occupation past 2014 deadline
Washington is holding talks to arrange for the continued occupation of Afghanistan by tens of thousands of US troops after the ostensible deadline for withdrawal at the end of 2014.
Morgan Stanley fine upheld in electricity price-fixing scam
A Federal District Court judge in Manhattan has upheld a $4.8 million fine against Morgan Stanley for creating a complex derivatives deal between the utility KeySpan Corporation and its nominal competitor, Astoria Generating Company, enabling KeySpan to illegally profit by maintaining some of the highest electricity rates in the country.
US violent, property crime rates increased in 2011: DOJ

10 Things Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Don't Want Americans to Know
Let’s Shake Up Presidential Debates
Why Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Change the World
What is the meaning of the viral cat phenomenon? When future historians attempt to decode this moment in history, what will they make of this?
Civil society groups Wednesday are slamming the European Commission's continued insistence that privatization of municipal water systems be a condition for receiving rescue funds, a plan the groups describe as "economically, socially and democratically flawed."
Green Party Candidates Arrested Outside Presidential Debate

How We Gained the Ability to Create Our Own End Times
Here was the oddest thing: within weeks of the United States dropping an atomic bomb on a second Japanese city on August 9, 1945, and so obliterating it, Americans were already immersed in new scenarios of nuclear destruction. As the late Paul Boyer so vividly described in his classic book By the Bomb’s Early Light, it took no time at all -- at a moment when no other nation had such potentially Earth-destroying weaponry -- for an America triumphant to begin to imagine itself in ruins, and for its newspapers and magazines to start drawing concentric circles of death and destruction around American cities while consigning their future country to the stewardship of the roaches.
Stoning Rebellious Children? A Look At Dominionism
There’s a story going around the internet about a candidate for state officein Arkansas who wrote a book that argues, among other things, that parents should be able to have rebellious children executed. Here’s more: Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives who called forexpelling Muslims from the United States in his book, also wrote in support for instituting the death penalty for “rebellious children.”
'New Jim Crow' or public safety?
Activist says sweeps target blacks; DA defends arrests of "dangerous felons"
GMO Ticking Time Bomb
Toxic tuna
The Lame Rules for Presidential Debates: A Perfect Microcosm of US Democracy
What Government Does for You
Prop 37 Could Set National Tone On Labeling Genetically Modified Food
Shane Bauer, American Hiker, Reveals Iran Imprisonment Details
Evidence Of War Crimes: Bloody Vengeance in Sirte