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‘Democracy Now!’ Expands the Debate
Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act By Protecting It
Statement from Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter
The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on Thursday has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, the federally imposed ban on same-sex marriage passed into law in 1996, saying the legislation grossly violates the equal protection clause found in the US Constitution's fourteenth amendment.
The state assembly signed the resolution Thursday afternoon that "Expresses strong opposition to U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission; calls upon Congress to propose amending U.S. Constitution."
Should Industry Face More Cybersecurity Mandates?

Biodiversity Is Key In The Road Map To Food Security With No Role For GM Crops
There has been much talk around biological diversity and biosafety in the country as India was host to the eleventh meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (COP-11) and the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COP-MOP6) in Hyderabad.
Within individual countries, murder is rightly considered to be the worst of crimes. But the institution of war tries to convince us that if a soldier murders someone from another country, whom the politicians have designated as an “enemy”, it is no longer a crime, no longer a violation of the common bonds of humanity. It is “heroic”.
Approximately 50 % Of World’s Wetlands Lost During The 20th Century
Get the military out of our public schools
In 1966, when I was a senior at Fortuna High, military recruiters were a fixture at our school. They made regular appearances in their dress uniforms with all their pleats and flaps and brass buttons and medals. And they would give us their best speech. “You'll be heading off to Vietnam,” they told us. “You'll see plenty of action and come back heroes with a chest full of medals because you fought for the most powerful army in the world. And you'll be better for the experience.”
Has the US Banned the Autobiography of a Former Guantanamo Prisoner?
People might remember the name David Hicks. He is an Australian who was held prisoner at Guantanamo Bay from 2001 until 2007. In 2010 he published an autobiography entitled Guantanamo: My Journey. Reportedly the book details the years of torture he underwent while in the custody of the US military. Sounds like a book you might want to read. But strangely, it does not seem to be for sale in the U.S. Barnes and Noble does not list it at all. Amazon, conversely,does list it for sale— at its Kindle Store —but at the very spot on the page where we’d expect to see the “Buy Now” button, we find instead a notice reading, “This title is not available for customers from: United States.” Amazon also has a used hardcovercopy for sale—only one—but it is available at the outrageous price of $105.15.
People might remember the name David Hicks. He is an Australian who was held prisoner at Guantanamo Bay from 2001 until 2007. In 2010 he published an autobiography entitled Guantanamo: My Journey. Reportedly the book details the years of torture he underwent while in the custody of the US military. Sounds like a book you might want to read. But strangely, it does not seem to be for sale in the U.S. Barnes and Noble does not list it at all. Amazon, conversely,does list it for sale— at its Kindle Store —but at the very spot on the page where we’d expect to see the “Buy Now” button, we find instead a notice reading, “This title is not available for customers from: United States.” Amazon also has a used hardcovercopy for sale—only one—but it is available at the outrageous price of $105.15.
Toward Barbarism: US Imperialism Unleashed
With signs of a global economic downturn mounting, US aggression across the Middle East and North Africa ratchets up. Once again, US imperialism stands poised to open the gates of Hell.
Turkey Leads US-sponsored Military Encirclement of Syria
Despite widely reported concerns of blowback in Syria due to the arming of jihadist groups, a military build-up on Syria’s borders is proceeding apace.
Does Anyone Remember That Our 'Enemies' in Afghanistan Were Once Friends and Allies of America?
Bryan Fischer of AFA Claims Jesus Wants Women Out Of The Political Arena
Six Arrested in Illinois Protesting Bain Capital’s Plan to Close Sensata Plant, Move Jobs to China
Greg Palast on "Billionaires and Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps"
Minnesota Anti-Gay Constitutional Amendment Fuels National Battle over Marriage Equality
Al Jazeera to Air Opposition Presidential Debate Amidst US Black-out
When: Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 8:00pm CSTWhere: University Club of Chicago – Chicago, IllinoisDebate Organizer: Free and Equal Elections FoundationMedia Coverage: The debate will be broadcast live at, and Al Jazeera.