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The Election of 2012

The 2012 US Presidential “Non-election”: Which Brand of “Fascism” this Time?
On one side, the Obama administration, and the traditional brand of neoliberal imperialism and international consensus, and false domestic populism. On the other side with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, militant right-wing extremism, an apocalyptic war agenda andthe politics of sadism at home.
EU Support for Israeli Crimes Makes It Unworthy of Nobel Peace Prize

US Joins Israel in Blockading Education to Students in Gaza
As another international activist ship is on the high seas to break the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza, the United States government has joined with Israel to blockade higher education opportunities for students in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Big Energy industries (oil, coal and gas) along with their political allies like Mitt Romney are waging war against sustainable energy and the need to transform our energy system and reverse global warming. In many instances they are aided and abetted by the very powerful nuclear power industry.
As Governments gather in Rome today, World Food Day, to discuss the global food price crisis, Friends of the Earth International warns in a new report [1] that agriculture donors such as the United States and United Kingdom are pumping money into genetically modified (GM) crops at the cost of farming methods better suited to tackling hunger.
Intensified Warrantless Spying in America

As Drone Debate Rages, Police Move on to Million-Dollar Spy Planes
While the nation disputes if, when and where the government should use drones over U.S. soil, Texas state police are taking their surveillance efforts to the next level.
European Satellites Ordered To Drop Iranian Channels In Disregard of Free Speech
Iran’s PressTV had earlier been kicked off British Television where it had built a audience, on the barest of pretences, and now with the connivance, no doubt of Her Majesty’s government, is being barred, along with 18 other Iranian channels, from access to European satellites
Debt and Democracy – Has the Link Been Broken?
Debt has been the main dynamic driving these shifts – always with new twists and turns. It polarizes wealth to create a creditor class, whose oligarchic rule is ended as new leaders (“tyrants” to Aristotle) win popular support by cancelling the debts and redistributing property or taking its usufruct for the state.
Busted: Paul Ryan Pretends to Volunteer at Soup Kitchen

If You Don’t Vote, You’re a Loser
There is no single issue more frustrating to the cause of progress than the relative struggle the left has organizing voters and getting them to the polls. Republicans and conservatives, perhaps driven by a sense of duty, tend to turn out with ease. The American left, on the other hand, must overcome poverty, intentionally obstructive voting laws and a persistent apathy, often failing to take advantage of natural majorities to effect change. This electoral season, there is a new obstacle. Many on the left now view the system itself as so corrupt and distasteful, the process of voting has become uncool.
Green Party candidate Jill Stein arrested outside debate

US intelligence admits Syria arms aid goes to Al Qaeda
American Intelligence officials are acknowledging that the bulk of the weapons flowing into Syria for the US-backed war to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad are going into the hands of Al Qaeda and like-minded Islamist militias.
7 Nasty and Crazy Effects of Pesticides in Food, Exposure
Why Congress Can't Balance The Budget
Occupy London shows Pussy Riot 'solidarity' in St. Paul's altar-chaining stunt
History of Iran & USA in 10 minutes