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A wave of anti-U.S. protests in Okinawa

The National Debt and Our Children: How Dumb Does Washington Think We Are?
While much of the country is focused on the presidential race, the Wall Street gang is waging a different battle; they are preparing an assault on Social Security and Medicare. This attack is not exactly secret. There have been a number of pieces on this corporate-backed campaign in the media over the last few months, but the drive is nonetheless taking place behind closed doors.
New Senate Push to Pledge Unconditional Support for Israeli “Preventive” War on Iran
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is planning to press the Senate next month to pledge U.S. troops, money, and political support to Israel should Bibi Netanyahu launch a preventive war on Iran.
The Former Nation of America Is Gone, Welcome To Police State Amerika
The Bush regime was a catastrophic horror. He did away with habeas corpus, and that was bad enough. In essence, he scrapped the Magna Charta that had been central to our western values for the almost eight hundred years. It is part of our own Constitution. These two values were taken from it.
Another 1 Billion Can Be Fed By Halving Food Loss
An additional one billion can be fed from our current resources, if the food losses could be halved. This can be achieved if the lowest loss percentage achieved in any region could be reached globally*.
Race, Class, And The Immigration Issue In The U.S.
It is astonishing to see how immigration is transforming the United States. Hordes of illegal immigrants are being driven across our southern border every year by the dire macroeconomic circumstances brought on by NAFTA. The result is startling.
Horrors of war: US, UK munitions ‘cause birth defects in Iraq’
US and UK weapons ammunition were linked to heart defects, brain dysfunctions and malformed limbs, according to a recent study. The report revealed a shocking rise in birth defects in Iraqi children conceived after the US invasion.
Western spies get discreetly involved in SyriaWestern intelligence agencies are quietly at work supporting the Syrian opposition from Turkey. While governments officially deny involvement, media reports paint an ever clearer picture.
The Politics of Political Harassment: Might It Need A Law Too?
There are right places to discuss politics and wrong ones. Work is a “wrong one.” A job should never be place where you worry about being outed for your political beliefs, nor is it a place where you should be forced to listen to anyone else’s; certainly it’s not a place where you should be browbeaten into political submission in order to maintain your employment. There are enough reasons to sweat your job these days; politics shouldn’t be one of them.
Does Romney’s Religious Devotion Make Him More or Less Trustworthy?

5 Ways America Is Being Hollowed Out by Unfettered Corporate Greed
Food can kill - or heal. Info to help you choose wisely.
Just label it!
The End of Economic Growth?