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Europe Leads UN Vote for Palestinian Statehood
he United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to accord Palestine the status of "Observer State" on Thursday, with 138 countries voting in favor of the measure, 41 abstaining, and only 9 voting against. The US and Israel were decisively marginalized, as Italy and Sweden joined France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and several other European countries in voting for the new status. Continental Western Europe and Scandinavia were almost unanimous in supporting the Palestinians, in a kind of declaration of independence from the Obama administration. Even Germany, which for historical reasons is typically reluctant to buck Israel, voted to abstain rather than to oppose.
WikiLeaks: Bradley Manning testifies on harsh jail conditions
Pfc. Bradley Manning, the Army intelligence analyst accused of leaking thousands of military reports and diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks, broke his silence Thursday at a pretrial hearing here as he described the unusually strict conditions he experienced during the more than eight months he spent in detention at a Marine Corps brig.
Time to reconsider religious tax exemptions
Eventually I believe the IRS and the Supreme Court will move to eliminate tax exemptions for politically divisive churches. That won't happen anytime soon, but as churches become more like businesses and less like community do-gooders, this change seems inevitable.
'Crisis Pregnancy Center' that Made Couples Study the Bible Now Suing for Taxpayer Dollars
Native Americans To Soon Receive Settlement Checks
Federal officials are working to send out $1,000 checks in the next few weeks to hundreds of thousands of Native Americans. The money stems from a settlement of the Cobell case, a landmark $3.4 billion settlement over mismanagement of federal lands held in trust for Native American people.
Fracking Our Food Supply
In a Brooklyn winery on a sultry July evening, an elegant crowd sips rosé and nibbles trout plucked from the gin-clear streams of upstate New York. The diners are here, with their checkbooks, to support a group called Chefs for the Marcellus, which works to protect the foodshed upon which hundreds of regional farm-to-fork restaurants depend. The foodshed is coincident with the Marcellus Shale, a geologic formation that arcs northeast from West Virginia through Pennsylvania and into New York State. As everyone invited here knows, the region is both agriculturally and energy rich, with vast quantities of natural gas sequestered deep below its fertile fields and forests.
'Fix the Debt': How 1%ers Build a Mass Movement for Millionaires
The Campaign to Fix the Debt, as it is properly known, is a four-month-old effort led by Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, the bipartisan duo who unsuccessfully tried to push a deficit-reduction scheme through Congress in 2010. With a reported $43 million war chest and the support of Peter G. Peterson, the Blackstone billionaire and leader of the deficit-scold movement, the group has been waging a nationwide media campaign meant to encourage President Obama and House Republicans to work together to avoid the expiration of the Bush income tax cuts and get long-term spending under control.
Ninth Circuit Gives the A-OK For Warrantless Home Video Surveillance
Can law enforcement enter your house and use a secret video camera to record the intimate details inside? On Tuesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unfortunately answered that question with "yes."
Pentagon Sees Weak, Impoverished Iran as Threat No. 1
Iran is geo-politically weak, militarily inadequate, and racked by sanctions. But threat inflation serves powerful interests.
Israel trying to "break" human rights defender arrested for expressing his opinions
The Palestinian human rights and prisoner advocacy group Addameer announced yesterday that the Israeli military has listed charges against one of its researchers, Ayman Nasser. Nasser was arrested in a dawn raid on his Saffa, West Bank home on 25 October during which his wife Haleema was detained by soldiers who pointed their weapons at her during the 1.5 hours they occupied the family’s home.