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Questions on Drones, Unanswered Still
UNDERSTANDING American drone strikes is like a deadly version of the old telephone game: I whisper to you and you whisper to someone else, and eventually all meaning is lost.
Panetta acknowledges US has the capacity to wage cyber warfare
In a speech Thursday night in New York, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the Pentagon stands ready "to help defend the nation in cyberspace" in the same way it wages war in on land, at sea and in the air.
Americans Get Fatter, Drunker
The Constancy of Crony Capitalism
Corporations double dip at taxpayers’ expense.
Five Fool-Proof Tips for Winning a Town Hall Debate
What lessons from debates past should Barack Obama and Mitt Romney learn before tomorrow's town hall?

As 9/11 Pretrial Begins, ACLU Calls Out "Orwellian" Censorship of CIA Torture
On Monday, a judge will oversee pretrial hearings for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo prisoners who are accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks. One of the key issues Army Col. James Pohl will decide on is whether or not there will be any public testimony by the prisoners regarding their torture and detention in CIA custody.
"Paul Ryan's love of Rage Against the Machine is amusing," wrote member of the socially conscious rock band Tom Morello two months ago for Rolling Stone, "because he is the embodiment of the machine that our music has been raging against for two decades.
Five Ways Deregulation Is Ripping America Apart
Conservatives believe that enriching individuals will eventually enrich society, and that government should not get in the way of the process. This is what happens as a result:
Giant Walmart vs. the Small Farmer

Shut Up and Play Nice: How the Western World is Limiting Free Speech
Free speech is dying in the Western world. While most people still enjoy considerable freedom of expression, this right, once a near-absolute, has become less defined and less dependable for those espousing controversial social, political or religious views. The decline of free speech has come not from any single blow but rather from thousands of paper cuts of well-intentioned exceptions designed to maintain social harmony.
The Guantánamo military commissions were created in part to hide the government’s illegal torture program while permitting the use of information obtained through torture. Because of improvements in 2009 in the law governing the commissions, it’s harder (though not impossible) for coerced evidence to be used in the proceedings. But the government still wants to hide from the public what it did to prisoners in CIA and military custody.
Whistle-blower who exposed National Guard misconduct had 'target on his backOn the morning of May 28, 2009, Staff Sgt. Chad Wille, a recruiter for the Arizona Army National Guard, was confronted at a Phoenix gas station by an angry bicyclist.
Blood, Oil, and “The American Dream”
In our times, in a media-saturated culture in which well-packaged and comforting lies are explicitly preferred to unsettling truths, those who reveal sordid realities are often dismissed if not reviled. Whistleblowers and voices of integrity—from Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader to Julian Assange and Bradley Manning—engage in the often-thankless vocation of disturbing complacency; and those awakened from their lying dreams angrily threaten to “kill the messenger” (figuratively?—or perhaps literally).
US, UK ‘Cause Birth Defects in Iraq’
Religious Leaders Call on Congress to Reevaulate Military Aid to Israel
Fifteen leaders of U.S. churches and other faith-based organizations have asked Congress to reevaluate U.S. military aid to Israel.
It Is 'Impossible' for the US To Implode, Right Up to the Moment It Happens
Did Caesar think his friend Brutus would join others one lovely day in Rome to cut him up? Did Romans think the Empire could finally fall? Did the Greatest Empire the world had seen think a small nation of upstart peasants with no army could defeat the mighty Red Coats? Not until the day it happened at York Town and the world turned upside down. Did Americans believe the people who were screaming that Pearl Harbor was wide open to attack by Japanese carriers after FDR forced the Navy to move from San Diego to Pearl? Not until that fateful Sunday morning. Did the U.S. believe a small peasant nation could defeat the Greatest Empire the world had ever seen and lead its Embassy staff to flee in panic in helicopters from the roof?
Former Republican: How I Learned That Voter ID Laws Pushed By the GOP Are Racist
Our Economy is a Ponzi Scheme
Shale gas shell game
Another Wall Street fraud