9 Free DOCUMENTARIES: New World Order, Class War, Life After Guantanamo, Getting Rich, Hidden Victims of Austerity, Assassination Nation, War Crimes, Earth in 1000 Years, Eyewar.
You want us to stand down. You want us to back off. You want us to shut up while our country and our sovereignty and our borders and everything we've ever been and everything we'll ever be is being destroyed. You got the nerve to call us traitors and call us conspiracy theorists just because we're informed.
Class War
The US military with its vast complex web of branches, agencies and bureaucracies is, in socio-political terms, a metastasized cancer run rampant in the American body of politics, and the Americans are dying of it. Not surprising, the core purpose of armies is to kill people. Every country that has ever had one claimed it was for defense but all history proves their function has never varied - to kill people and appropriate their wealth.
Life after Guantanamo
In this episode, Fault Lines traveled to Yemen to ask what the consequences of America's policy of indefinite detention have been and to find out what life is like there, after Guantanamo.
Getting Rich
It is one of the most extraordinary transformations of our time - China. A country long in the grip of communism is now devoted to private enterprise. That is what they had to do for the ordinary people of China to become richer. This new economic superpower is taking on the West. But China's surging economy has a dark side. Can China keep moving forward or will the forces of change tear it apart?
Into the Fire: The Hidden Victims of Austerity
Most refugees arrive in Europe by foot or by boat, landing in Greece, Italy and Spain. Under EU regulations, asylum claims have to be made in the country through which refugees first enter Europe. They cannot move to another European country. In 2011 the European Court of Human Rights found that asylum seekers in Greece are at risk of inhuman and degrading treatment. There are deficiencies in the asylum procedure, the detention conditions and the living conditions in Greece.
Assassination Nation
The most successful suicide attack of all time was 9/11. In fact, it was powerful that it led to the US invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan. 11 years ago, the US Army invaded Afghanistan with the sole purpose of getting Al Qaeda and Taliban. Today, the US government is entering into negotiations with the Taliban to see just how much power they will gain when our troops leave. This is a direct result of the Taliban's successful use of terror techniques, suicide attacks, and suicide bombing.
War Crimes
Not long ago, one out of every five prisoners in America was a Vietnam vet. More and more veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are showing up behind bars and many are being charged with violent crime. Experts are saying that there's a common thread that often runs through these cases, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD.
Earth in 1000 Years
Scientists are tracking the overall rate of ice loss with the Grace Satellite. They found that from 2003 to 2009, Greenland lost about a trillion tons, mostly along its coastlines. This number mirror's ice loss in the Arctic as a whole. By 2012, summer sea ice coverage had fallen to a little more than half of what it was in the year 1980. While the ice rebounded in 2013, the coverage was still well below the average of the last three decades. Analyzing global data from Grace, one study reports that Earth lost about 4,000 cubic kilometers of ice in the decade leading up to 2012.
These are some of the topics addressed in Eyewar: 80 minutes of found footage which traces the development of the digital image from the maps of the second century to the screens of the twenty-first, and the uses of the field of cybernetics from Japan in the 1940s to Chile in the 1970s and Iraq in the 1990s.