The Corporatist Intelligence Agency
While the CIA is commonly understood to be an intelligence agency, we shouldn’t forget the important role it has played in carrying out clandestine operations that have benefited the financial elite.
European Court of Human Rights Finds CIA Guilty of Torture
The much-maligned European court of human rights has this week shown itself at its very best: standing up for the rights of an individual who has been denied justice for almost nine years since he was abducted, secretly detained, and tortured under the CIA's rendition program.
Syrian Girl: Obama Directly Backing Al-Qaeda in Public Statement
'I'd Rather Fight Like Hell': Naomi Klein's Fierce New Resolve to Fight for Climate Justice
Naomi Klein, black-clad and sharp-tongued mistress of the global anti-corporate left, friend to Occupiers and scourge of oil barons, stood outside a dressing room backstage at Boston's Orpheum Theatre one night last month, a clear-eyed baby boy on her hip.
The Trials of Bradley Manning
Pfc. Bradley Manning was finally allowed to speak publicly, in his own defense, in a preliminary hearing of his court-martial. Manning is the alleged source of the largest intelligence leak in U.S. history. He was an intelligence analyst in the U.S. Army, with top-secret clearance, deployed in Iraq.
How The Global Banking Mafia Operate
Michigan’s New 'Corporate Servitude Law' Takes Away Worker Rights

President Obama’s pledge to close Gitmo in second term faces difficult test
President Obama’s commitment to closing the Guantánamo Bay prison in his second term is being tested before Inauguration Day after the Senate passed an open-ended ban on transferring Guantánamo detainees to the United States.
Innocent Man Kidnapped, Stripped, Beaten and Drugged in Secret CIA Jail -- Court Rules in His Favor, Against CIA
U.S. Military Spends Tens of Millions of Dollars on Golf Courses, Luxury Perks for Generals
Journalist Nick Turse reported: "The U.S. Army paid $71,614 [in 2004] to the Arizona Golf Resort — located in sunny Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (picture below),… The resort actually boasts an entire entertainment complex, complete with a water-slide-enhanced megapool, gym, bowling alley, horse stables, roller hockey rink, arcade, amphitheater, restaurant, and even a cappuccino bar — not to mention the golf course and a driving range.”
Nothing Can Justify Torture: Chomsky
The True Costs Of Empire
The U.S. Economy And Military Are Fading Gradually: Prof. Francis Shor