A Culture That Condones The Killing Of Children And Teaches Children To Kill
The Sandy Hook massacre isn’t just about the need for gun control laws, it is about a culture that condones the killing of children and teaches children that killing is okay.
Why America Lets the Killings Continue
Our son Galen, who was 18, and a teacher were killed on Dec. 14, 1992, by a deranged student who went on a shooting rampage at Simon’s Rock College in western Massachusetts. Galen was a gifted kid, and Simon’s Rock seemed like the perfect place for him. He’d never been happier. The killer had a vastly different reaction to this environment. After run-ins with college officials, he vowed to “bring the college to its knees.” He bought an SKS at a gun shop down the road, and obtained oversize clips and ammunition through the mail.

U.S. spies can rest easy knowing that the nation’s warrantless wiretapping program — secretly employed by the President George W. Bush administration in the wake of the 2001 terror attacks — won’t expire at year’s end. That’s because Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) said Wednesday he would lift his procedural hold that bars the Senate from voting on the FISA Amendments Act, which the President Barack Obama administration maintains is its top national-security priority. The only real issue is for how many years the spy bill will be extended for and, according to Wyden, whether any transparency or privacy protections will be written into the spy program that Congress codified in 2008.
Drones increasingly used for surveillance in U.S.
Tendency of law enforcement to adopt new technology without considering its impact on privacy and civil liberties 'unacceptable' to one expert
Dispatches: Inside Britain's Israel Lobby
Report finds harsh CIA interrogations ineffective
After a contentious closed-door vote, the Senate intelligence committee approved a long-awaited report Thursday concluding that harsh interrogation measures used by the CIA did not produce significant intelligence breakthroughs, officials said.
U.S.: Dismiss Lawsuit Over Americans Citizens Murdered By Drones
The U.S. Government on Friday asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit over the killing of three American citizens in drone strikes in Yemen earlier this year: alleged Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, his son Abdulrahman, and alleged AQAP magazine editor Samir Khan.
The Torture of Bradley Manning
After more than 900 days of detainment in United States military jails for allegedly disclosing state secrets, the haunting imprisonment of accused WikiLeaks source Pfc. Bradley Manning was discussed in court for the first time at the latest round of pretrial motion hearings that began on Nov. 27 in Fort Meade, MD. Below is an account of those court proceedings. The case will continue intermittently into 2013.
U.S. terror agency to tap citizen files
Top U.S. intelligence officials gathered in the White House Situation Room in March to debate a controversial proposal. Counterterrorism officials wanted to create a government dragnet, sweeping up millions of records about U.S. citizens—even people suspected of no crime.
The Corporate Media's Shameful Exploitation of Bradley Manning

Right To Work Laws: Game Over For The Class War?
Robert Reich On Why Unions Matter
Congress seeks to increase US funding of anti-missile cooperation with IsraelCongress wants to at least double the Obama administration’s funding request for anti-missile cooperation with Israel.
Zero Dark Thirty: blatant "Global War on Terror" propaganda
War: Big Government's Best Friend
The biggest killers on the planet
Farmer to farmer
Monsanto undermines farmer independence & finances
Why the Israel lobby fears Chuck Hagel
Israel violates Gaza ceasefire deal by threatening fishermen, farmers
Oxfam says the five-year blockade by Israel has “devastated Gaza’s farming and fishingindustries,” leading to the closure of nearly 60 percent of Gaza’s businesses, according to a new briefing paper published this month (“Beyond Ceasefire,” 6 December 2012).
Israel’s military indoctrination of children
Demand That Congress Actually Debate FISA Amendments Act
Techdirt has joined a number of organizations, including EFF, Free Press, the ACLU, the American Library Association and many, many more in asking the Senate to actually debatethe issue. The folks at EFF have set up a tool to help anyone reach out to their own Senators on the subject as well.
The FISA Amendments Act Is Clearly Unconstitutional; And Congress Doesn't Care
Andrew Napolitano, a former judge, has penned an interesting column laying out many of the reasons why the whole thing is completely unconstitutional. First, he notes that the establishment of FISA itself is likely a violation of the 4th Amendment:
Inside Story: Has torture become acceptable?
8 Civil Liberties Cases Supreme Court Will Tackle in 2013