More Than Thirty Top U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes
Indefinite Detention of US Citizens without Trial is Treason
Why We Torture
Habeas corpus has been abandoned for the outcasts of the new order in both the US and the UK, secret courts have been created to hear secret evidence, guilt has been inferred by association, torture and rendition nakedly justified (in the UK our government's lawyers continue to argue positively for the right to use the product of both) and vital international conventions consolidated in the aftermath of the Second World War - the Geneva Convention, the Refugee Convention, the Torture Convention - have been deliberately avoided or ignored.
A Plan to Stop the Feds From Reading Your Emails
Four lawmakers are trying to put a stop to warrantless spying.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
Reich on Why Right-to-Work Legislation is Anti-Labor: ‘As Labor Unions Have Declined, Wages Have Declined in Tandem’
This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Thousands of protestors braved the frigid temperatures and took to the streets today in Michigan over the Republican plan to -- yet again -- weaken unions, trample workers rights and further subjugate the middle class. Despite this significant public opposition, Michigan lawmakers passed the "right to work" law that will make their corporate masters happy.
Mindless American Support For Israel May Be Cracking
Mindless American Support For Israel May Be Cracking
The legacy of the Zionist revolutionaries who once enraptured the parlors of Europe and America with talk of a Jewish homeland as a moral beacon in a benighted region has instead bequeathed to the Jewish world and the West a highly militarized dependency -- a state that has achieved great feats of cultural and economic development but has failed to build strong enough institutions to balance its military zeitgeist with imaginative or engaging diplomacy.
- Patrick Tyler, from Fortress Israel: The Inside Story of the Military Elite Who Run the Country -- and Why They Can't Make Peace Patrick Tyler, from Fortress Israel: The Inside Story of the Military Elite Who Run the Country -- and Why They Can't Make Peace