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- STEVE, Editor :)US Violates Agreement; Punishes Iran
Administration’s pretentious concern for the Iranian peoples’ welfare is all the more offensive in light of the harsh, illegal, and life-threatening sanctions imposed on that nation, aptly described by The New England Journal of Medicine as a “war against public health” (Gowans). The Obama administration would have us believe that it is concerned about human rights and freedom of expression where it has no regard for life itself, much less freedom.

Israel 'may launch ground invasion into Gaza'
Israel may launch a ground invasion into Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu has indicated, after a weekend of escalating cross border violence.
How The Fiscal Cliff Would Hit The Economy
Economists are unanimous in saying that if the leaders fail to keep the country from going over the "cliff," both the stock and labor markets will fairly quickly go "splat."

The US military already cited facilities like Eglin air force base in Florida as being particularly at risk due to rising sea levels. National Academy of Sciences recommends crash course for analysts on preparing for rise in sea level and food shortages
Four Myths About Iran Which Need To Be Debunked
In a concerted and mischievous attempt, the world’s mainstream media have started to pull out all the stops in order to portray Iran a dangerous, abnormal, weird and horrible country which is seeking to develop nuclear weapons in order to annihilate Israel.
The Political Trial Of A Caring Man And The End Of Justice In America
During this year's US presidential campaign, both candidates agreed on sanctions against Iran which, they claimed, posed a nuclear threat to the Middle East. Repeated over and again, this assertion evoked the lies told about Iraq and the extreme suffering of that country. Sanctions are already devastating Iran's sick and disabled.
Israel Launches Missile Strike Against Syria
In the most serious escalation of the 20-month conflict in the Middle East country, the Israeli armed forces fired a missile into Syrian territory Sunday.
Will President Obama Seize Moment On Climate Change?
It should be near the top of his agenda. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, with the U.S. public increasingly accepting the stark reality of climate change, he has an unprecedented opportunity to take bold action.
What Did We Learn From This Election? We Learned We Have No Choice
If I say I’m pleased as punch that Obama beat Romney, I would be lying. If Romney beat Obama, I would be just as sad. In fact, I wished that no one would have won this election. I wished everyone would have stayed home. The fact is, many more people opted out of voting this election.
Obama’s post-election pivot to austerity and war
With the US elections out of the way, the American ruling class is moving with remarkable speed to implement a deeply unpopular agenda centered on trillions of dollars in cuts to health care and other social programs.
Anonymous Hackers may have hacked Former CIA Director
CIA Director was uncovered when a woman described as close to him received harassing emails and complained to authorities. The FBI traced the emails and found that they had been sent by Paula Broadwell, who wrote a highly favorable book on the former Army general's life and work. While initially investigating the reports, the FBI feared the CIA director's personal email account may have been hacked, but the sexual nature of the email exchanges exposed the affair.
There are many reasons to question GMOs in our food supply. One such issue being our freedom of choice. When GM crops are grown next to non-GM crops we often see issues of contamination. This contamination may be due to many factors including human error, wind, birds, bees and floods. Contamination has continually posed a problem in the agricultural sector and in many cases has resulted in lawsuits where farmers suffer under the hand of corporations hiding behind the guise of ‘patent infringement.’ You may remember the case of Canadian farmer, Percy Schmeiser who was charged with patent infringement by Monsanto. Schmeiser stood up to Monsanto and obtained a settlement out of court for Monsanto to clean up his land. The result was seemingly in his favor, however, Schmeiser was left with weighty legal bills and the legal framework was left unchanged with the Federal Court of Canada upholding the validity of Monsanto’s patent.
Sore Loser Secessionists Let Out A Rebel Whine With White House Petitions
The Israeli Nightmare
Peace in Israel is the establishment's worst nightmare.
American foreign policy, a foreign perspective
How Telecoms Sell Your Private Info to the Highest Bidder
Once Again—Death of the Liberal Class
America: Myth, Reality, Death Squads and al-Qaeda
About the Untold History of the United States
The Untold History of the United States is not people's history in the sense of telling the stories of popular movements. This is very much top-down history dominated by key figures in power. But it is honest history that tears through myths and presents a reality not expected by most Americans -- and backs it up with well-documented facts.

CIA Director was uncovered when a woman described as close to him received harassing emails and complained to authorities. The FBI traced the emails and found that they had been sent by Paula Broadwell, who wrote a highly favorable book on the former Army general's life and work. While initially investigating the reports, the FBI feared the CIA director's personal email account may have been hacked, but the sexual nature of the email exchanges exposed the affair.
Can This Farmer Finally Defeat Monsanto?

Sore Loser Secessionists Let Out A Rebel Whine With White House Petitions
Nothing says I hate democracy like this White House petition started by Michael E. from Slidell, LA the day after Obama was elected President of the United States of America.
The Israeli Nightmare
Peace in Israel is the establishment's worst nightmare.
American foreign policy, a foreign perspective
Canada and the United States have long had what, from the outside, can be seen as a symbiotic relationship. We used to have (until recently) the world’s longest undefended border. We signed on to NAFTA even though it benefited us far less than it did our neighbours to the south. On the world stage, America is the cartoon Bulldog and Canada is the Jack Russell terrier jumping around asking, “what are we doing today, Spike?”
How Telecoms Sell Your Private Info to the Highest Bidder
Once Again—Death of the Liberal Class
The presidential election exposed the liberal class as a corpse. It fights for nothing. It stands for nothing. It is a useless appendage to the corporate state. It exists not to make possible incremental or piecemeal reform, as it originally did in a functional capitalist democracy; instead it has devolved into an instrument of personal vanity, burnishing the hollow morality of its adherents. Liberals, by voting for Barack Obama, betrayed the core values they use to define themselves—the rule of law, the safeguarding of civil liberties, the protection of unions, the preservation of social welfare programs, environmental accords, financial regulation, a defiance of unjust war and torture, and the abolition of drone wars. The liberal class clung desperately during the long nightmare of this political campaign to one or two issues, such as protecting a woman’s right to choose and gender equality, to justify its complicity in a monstrous evil. This moral fragmentation—using an isolated act of justice to define one’s self while ignoring the vast corporate assault on the nation and the ecosystem along with the pre-emptive violence of the imperial state—is moral and political capitulation. It fails to confront the evil we have become.
America: Myth, Reality, Death Squads and al-Qaeda
Obama claimed he has "never been more hopeful about our future, never been more hopeful about America," and proclaimed that "the best is yet to come." In short, it was a bunch of jingoistic nonsense that flew in the face of the reality of life in the USA and what it has done and continues to do to the rest of the world.
About the Untold History of the United States
The Untold History of the United States is not people's history in the sense of telling the stories of popular movements. This is very much top-down history dominated by key figures in power. But it is honest history that tears through myths and presents a reality not expected by most Americans -- and backs it up with well-documented facts.

The New American Theocracy; Moonies, Catholics and the Bottom Up Responses to Them; Part 2 of the F. Clarkson Interview
The reach and depth of Reverend Sun Myung Moon into the US is incredible. We learn about it, and a new, very scary religious organizaiton that we really need to keep an eye on.
Corporate criminality "The world as it is"
How militarised is US foreign policy?
NY Governor: Utility Companies Failed in Sandy
Occupy Group Buys Consumer Debt And Throws It Away
Iran/USA: Who is Threatening Who?