To many who are new to DUSTCIRCLE.COM, the site is now in Digest mode.
Instead of random posts of articles printed elsewhere, I am now posting a Digest which includes Title, Excerpt, and a Link. The digest layout is a brief note from me (like here), a list of articles mostly grouped by publication source, starting with the most interesting article (to me, anyway).
Following the list of articles, I post video news near the bottom. Following those, I usually post a Band of the day. This issue, I will be posting the Documentary of the Day.
Additionally, on the main site, I plugged the Google widget, so you can follow me through Google. Enjoy!
- Steve :)Why Chris Hedges Believes That Serious Revolt Is the Only Option People Have Left
Stealing the Election
Ohio is a crucial state in the November election. And Romney isn't doing well enough there to win. The following analysis may have come from Karl Rove:
Is the Right-Wing Psyche Allergic to Reality? A New Study Shows Conservatives Ignore Facts More Than Liberals
Ten Big Lies Paul Ryan Keeps Repeating That the Corporate Media Refuses to Push Back On
Paul Ryan's Absurd RNC Lies
David Brooks, in conversation with Gail Collins, explains that all that lying was really not Paul Ryan's fault
Former Abortion Provider Says Climate Now More Dangerous than When He Performed Illegal Abortions
Today's political climate, on the other hand, is so emotionally charged and dangerous, he had stopped talking about his past all together.
AlterNet Radio: Amanda Marcotte and Glenn Greenwald on the Julian Assange Affair
This week on the AlterNet Radio Hour, a look at the stand-off over Julian Assange, whom Sweden wants to answer to allegations of sexual assault.
Here We Go Again: Maryland Congressman Says ‘Few Pregnancies’ Result From Rape
Another House Republican is raising eyebrows for suggesting that women who are raped are less likely to become pregnant — just weeks after Rep. Todd Akin (R-MS) sparked controversy for his “legitimate rape” remark.
Matt Taibbi: Romney's Secret? Greed, Debt and Forcing Others to Foot the Bill

Mitt Romney's Tax Avoidance Weakens Bonds of American Society

A Major Failure by Washington
In spite of intense efforts by the US and Israel to deter attendance at the Tehran meeting – backed by a wave of western media attacks on the conclave – over 150 nations and international bodies attended.
No Accountability for Torturers
The Obama administration has closed the books on prosecutions of those who violated our laws by authorizing and conducting the torture and abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody. Last year, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that his office would investigate only two incidents, in which CIA interrogations ended in deaths. He said the Justice Department “has determined that an expanded criminal investigation of the remaining matters is not warranted.” With that decision, Holder conferred amnesty on countless Bush officials, lawyers and interrogators who set and carried out a policy of cruel treatment.
8 Ways to Improve Society Without the Political Process
The worst thing about this whole situation is that these so called “authorities” maintain a monopoly on problem solving, meaning they are really the only ones who are allowed to solve problems. Thus over time people begin to believe that those in authority are the only ones who are actually capable of solving problems, when in reality, they are no more qualified than anyone else.
The New Normal: Travels Through the Police State
I’m pretty sure I have just experienced the most disproportionate reaction to a protest in a supposedly democratic society ever, at least since labor organizer Mother Jones faced off all by herself with one hundred members of the National Guard around a century ago. As someone who has personally been fairly actively attending protests since the early 1980′s, and as a student of the history of social movements that happened before my time as well, it seems difficult to put what just happened in Florida into some kind of relevant context, but I’ll just share my own story of the past week in north Florida and attempt to make sense of it, for whatever that’s worth.
Have Censored Websites Broken Any Law?
Bigmother has not been around for 28 years now. But she sure is watching over us. She died before the internet happened, yet her devotees celebrate her by blocking websites.
Alleged UK visa blacklist for human rights offenders concerns Russia officials
Russia's Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko [official website] asked the British government [press release] on Monday to confirm or deny the existence of a visa blacklist for Russian officials linked to the the 2009 death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky [JURIST news archive], after a British newspaper reported that the British embassy in Moscow has implemented the "Magnitsky list" to flag entry of the officials for human rights reasons.
Fears About Shariah Law Take Hold In Tennessee
In Tennessee, an incumbent in the U.S. House found herself on the defensive after being called soft on Shariah law, the code that guides Muslim beliefs and actions. And the state's governor has been forced to explain why he hired a Muslim.
Green bank ready to commit £3bn to environmental firms
Officials preparing the launch of the Green Investment Bank are understood to have met with a number of businesses about committing cash to a number of environmentally friendly schemes, such as recycling plants.
Visit Israel at your own risk, warn many Western countries
The latest travel advisory warns tourists that Israel periodically conducts military operations in the West Bank and Gaza with no prior notice, and advises travelers to avoid demonstrations.
Palestinian farmers fighting to survive
A member of the Ein Al-Beida Agricultural Union, which represents 70 farmers in the area, Foqaha said a combination of harsh Israeli restrictions on Palestinian farmers, Israel’s near total control of resources, and neglect on the part of Palestinian authorities has made Palestinian agriculture in the West Bank almost impossible.
Area 51 UFO ‘secrets’ to be revealed by Las Vegas Smithsonian Institute
The National Atomic Testing Museum announced the event, scheduled for September 22, to reveal the men’s personal stories that propelled them to write books and lead their own investigations outside, as well as inside, the military.
Red States Are The Real Welfare States

What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations
Citizens United. This is the 2010 Supreme Court case that shocked America, influenced an election, and reversed over 100 years of campaign finance laws. In this case, corporations were declared as people and as such declared to have the same rights as people do. It also opened the doors for corporations to pour unprecedented amounts of campaign donations into elections, and what’s more, these donations can be totally secret. Corporations can now literally and legally buy elections and shape the government like never before in our nation’s history.
Rep. John Lewis, Civil Rights Icon, on the Struggle to Win–and Now Protect–Voting Rights in U.S.
Documentary of the Day:
"Did Jesus Die?"
This film investigates the variety of stories surrounding the New Testament account of the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, interview historians, theologians and historical researchers. This exploration of the latest theories about what really happened to Jesus 2000 years ago discovered some amazing possibilities.
Steve Dustcircle can be found at: