Greetings fellow Americans, and people around the world.
We here in the U.S.A. are celebrating Labor Day. Ironically, most Americans are working today. And living hand-to-mouth.
Slave labor, I call it. Slaves had housing and food, and feared for their lives, like most Americans do.
In the words of Chuck D., "Fight the Power."
- Steve,
America is Not the Greatest Country in the World
I have been on this earth for 19 years, and not once had I ever felt that the United States was the greatest country in the world. All my life, I have never experienced a time of peace, prosperity, and freedom. I live in an era of recession, restricted freedoms, and war. To many, my sentiment towards the country I call home may seem unpatriotic. This is not true. I am an outspoken critic of the United States because I am a lover of my birth country. I care for it. I speak up when we do wrong. I speak up when we do wrong, because I want us to do better. I want us to succeed; indeed, I want us to become the greatest country in the world. I am patriotic. Before my time, we used to be the leaders, the revolutionaries, and the free; the land we call home used to be the path to opportunity, prosperity, and liberty — but we have lost the way.
The Facade of a Beloved and Legendary "America"
The Wikileaks documents and videos have provided one humiliation after another ... lies exposed, political manipulations revealed, gross hypocrisies, murders in cold blood, ... followed by the torture of Bradley Manning and the persecution of Julian Assange. Washington calls the revelations "threats to national security", but the world can well see it's simply plain old embarrassment. Manning's defense attorneys have asked the military court on several occasions to specify the exact harm done to national security. The court has never given an answer. If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, consider an empire embarrassed.
What About Israel’s Nuclear Weapons?
First, Israel refuses to acknowledge publicly that it has nuclear weapons. The U.S. government also officially does not acknowledge the existence of such a program. Israel’s official position, as reiterated by Aaron Sagui, spokesman for the Israeli Embassy here, is that “Israel will not be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East. Israel supports a Middle East free of all weapons of mass destruction following the attainment of peace.” The “introduce” language is purposefully vague, but experts say it means that Israel will not openly test a weapon or declare publicly that it has one.
How the Gun Industry Made a Fortune Through Fear

Al Jazeera Was Hated by America But is Now Revered
The heyday of the Bush administration was a peculiar period throughout which journalists working for Al Jazeera were subject to an onslaught of zealous vilification from actors in the American political scene (in addition to imprisonment and occasional shelling by U.S. forces).
Ron Paul Supporters Should Switch Parties, Become Democrats and Support Barack Obama
Now I can understand that it would be better to co-opt an existing major party than to try to build a 3rd party. I can see that having a funding mechanism in place is a better idea than to try to woo funders away from people they already support. The question is, did you choose the right party? I would like to offer a comparison of the two.
Why We Let Politicians Lie. The Difference Between Being Lied TO, and Lied FOR
There is much being written about the lies Paul Ryan told in his speech at the Republican Convention. I know, “lies” is a pretty strong word. But a ‘fabrication’, ‘taking liberties with the truth’, ‘bearing false witness against they neighbor’ (Commandment #8)…call it what you will…when you knowingly say something that’s not true, that’s lying.
5 Crazy Things the GOP Is Still Saying About Women, Rape and Abortion--Even While the Convention Tried to Ignore It
Totalitarianism in the US: An Accident Waiting to Happen
The Big Lie always has an audacity that dares anyone to challenge it, because even when it is disproved, the liar will keep on repeating the lie, knowing that it will eventually appear as truth to enough people, and that more and more everyone will conclude that no one knows anymore what is truth and what is fiction. A lot of what Ryan said in his speech he has said before, as has Romney, so it is clear this is a deliberate strategy of motivating their base who hate Obama to such a degree they will believe anything about him. But since the Big Lie is just one feature of a totalitarian regime such as the Soviet Union, I began to wonder what other aspects of the Republican Party are Soviet-inspired.
Rape is Rape and Stupid is the Republican Agenda
"Stupid is as stupid does," so said the Philosopher Forrest Gump. But stupid is actually what is perceived to be stupid. Walk into a room of quantum physicists and ask what is string theory and they may laugh, whereas your peers would share in your bewilderment. Stupidity is what is perceived to be stupid. The majority of clear headed Americans when they heard Senator Todd Akin claim that in a "legitimate rape" a woman's body shuts down so that she cannot conceive a child, considered that to be stupid. There is no logic behind it, and there is more than enough medical evidence that proves that statement false. The only people who did not call it stupid were some extreme members of the extreme right.
12 Steps to Overcoming Addiction to Voting for the "Lesser of 2 Evils"
Are you unsatisfied with Obama but stay with him out of fear of Mitt Romney becoming president? If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, you are probably in a self-destructive relationship with the Democratic Party.
Book Of The Month: MORTALITY by Christopher Hitchens
We are pleased but saddened to introduce our third book of the month: Mortalityby Christopher Hitchens. The posthumous book represents the last work of the great journalist, polemicist, and thinker. The work, which draws largely on Hitch'saward winning column in Vanity Fair, was unfinished when Hitch succumbed to his esophageal cancer on December 15, 2011, and it closes with Hitch's unfinished notes and jottings and an afterword by his widow, the writer Carol Blue. What type of book it is is hard to identify. What it's about is easy to pin down, though. It's about death.
Food can kill - or heal. Info to help you choose wisely.
The war against GMO labeling
The simple history of the bailout
Americans rejected it...
and a corrupt Senate rammed it down their throats
and a corrupt Senate rammed it down their throats
History of the Holidays: Labor Day
Penn Jillette: Mitt Romney is Wearing Magic Underwear (And Other Observations)
Steve Dustcircle can be found at: - - - -