Are we to believe that a fundamentalist in a suit is less scary than a fundamentalist in a beard, even if both are spouting hatred against women?
The Children Are Still Dying: Violence is Not News
Somewhere in my home I have a set of photo albums I rarely go near. I fear the flood of cruel memories that might be evoked from looking at the countless photos I took during a trip to Iraq. Many of the pictures are of children who developed rare forms of cancer as a result of exposure to Depleted Uranium (DU), which was used in the US-led war against Iraq over two decades ago.
The Human Cost of War on Iran
As Israeli leaders engage in frenzied posturing over a possible military strike on Iran, we again have pundits, experts and commentators speculating how an Israeli offensive would play out. They search for the meaning behind the inflammatory rhetoric of Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and ponder the impact of a war on Western political, strategic and economic interests.
Building Resilience In A Changing Climate
Climate shocks are on the way. We’ve already spewed so much carbon into the atmosphere that a cascade of worsening crop failures, droughts, floods, and freak storms is virtually guaranteed. You, your family, and your community will feel the effects.
Talking Wikileaks, Assange, Manning, Occupy, And More
Before recently taking refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Julian Assange had been detained by British authorities longer than Augusto Pinochet, the former Chilean dictator who ordered the killing of thousands of dissidents in Chile. Ultimately, British authorities decided to let Pinochet go free instead of sending him to Spain to face charges of crimes against humanity. On the other hand, British authorities were preparing to ship Assange to Sweden to face questioning over sexual assault allegations.
Paul Ryan, an Entitlement Destroyer

Four Ways Ohio Republicans are Already Stealing the 2012 Election
The Ohio Republican Party has moved four ways to steal America's 2012 election. The Buckeye State is almost certain to emerge as a decider in this year's presidential election, and the GOP is moving fast to ensure victory, no matter what it takes.
If you Like NAFTA, You'll Love TPP
We have been secretly negotiating a new agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) with the United States Australia, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam and are nearing completing the final details of this agreement. We have had 600 of our best corporate lobbyists providing input and have successfully excluded Congress, our own corporate media, and the general public from the negotiations. Once implemented, this agreement will hard code corporate dominance over sovereign governments into international law that will supercede any federal, state, or local laws of any member country. This agreement will grant new corporate privileges and rights, while limiting governments and protective regulations.
Picture shows officer holding document with instructions to arrest WikiLeaks founder whether he leaves in diplomatic car or bag
US Socialist Equality Party (SEP) presidential candidate, Jerry White, has begun his international tour, arriving in Sri Lanka yesterday.
The Republican National Convention: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Israeli Inquiry Into Rachel Corrie Death Insufficient

GOP: A Party That Hates Women

Bill Maher: "The Only Thing You Need to Know About Todd Akin and Anatomy: He's an A**hole"
During the New Rules segment on last night's Real Time, Bill Maher asserted: "New rule: No one in America can waste another second thinking about Todd Akin and his theory that you can't get pregnant unless your eggs are asking for it.
Interview With a Lapsed Christian Virgin Shows Why "Purity" Messages Are So Messed Up
Better feminists than I have written entire books on this topic (see The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity Is Hurting Young Women
), but damn if this Hairpin interview with a lapsed Christian virgin doesn’t illustrate just how messed up “purity” messages can make young women.
Bill Moyers on Nuns, Faith, and Politics
On last night's episode of Moyers & Company, Bill Moyers spoke to Sister Simone Campbell and Faith & Reason Institute founder Robert Royal about the recent dynamic between nuns, their faith, and politics.
World's Biggest Commodities Trading Company Excited to Cash in on Drought, Hunger
In this day and age it's not surprising to see multinationals drooling over profits -- at whatever expense that may mean to the less fortunate. Things are apparently no different for Glencore, the biggest commodities trading company.
Joseph Farah’s Pretense to Christianity
I’m speaking here as a member of a religious minority but I know atheists – the non-religious minority – can feel me too. We both get the same treatment, after all. Atheists get lumped together with actual Pagans in the new ”paganization” of America conservative Christians love to go on about.
Best social media tools for journalists
What are today’s most popular social media tools? I proposed a short list on the Social Journalism Educators group on Facebook
Realism About America’s Influence
Roger Cohen recently argued that despite “the enduring centrality of American power” and “the nation’s immense capacity for renewal,” “even all the right choices for the United States will not alter the rise of India and China.”
Do We Need an Army of Hackers to Fight a Cyber War?
Despite all signs that America is facing an imminent cyber threat from state-sponsored global hackers – maybe something even on the scale of a cyber Pearl Harbor - we continue to plod along in rather nonchalant fashion.
How Darwin Can Save Your Marriage
The point of marriage, after all, is to grow old with someone and develop a sense of trust. Infidelity happens in half of all marriages. Many end in divorce. The institution of marriage seems to be in big trouble, but Ryan says an understanding of the way humans evolved can help us cope.
The Five Most Under-Reported Stories of the Summer
The competition is tough, as the London Olympics, the presidential campaign and the tragic Kristen Stewart/Robert Pattinson break-up have sucked up most of the media oxygen in recent months. But these five issues especially demand far more attention than they’ve received this summer.
Only 2 percent of Canadians deny climate change
The survey comes on the heels of Alberta Premier Alison Redford's recent push for a National Energy Strategy, which would address the future of Canada's oil and gas industries, and its approach to carbon management.
Most genetic mutations come from your father
Humans inherit more than three times as many mutations from their fathers as from their mothers, and mutation rates increase with the father's age but not the mother's, researchers have found in the largest study of human genetic mutations to date.
For Paul Ryan, Rape And Incest Are Just Another ‘Method Of Conception’
Ever since Todd Akin accidentally said out loud what Republicans actually think of rape and pregnancy, the GOP has been furiously trying to distance themselves from their own stance on the issue. With the volume of condemnation coming from Republicans and right-wing pundits, it might sound reasonable to think that they disagree with Akin and that his position was simply too extreme.
Yet another failed attempt to argue for free will
Oy gewalt, and this defense of free will appears in Harvard Magazine, the vehicle of my alma mater. In a short piece called “Two steps to free will,” Craig Lambert presents the pro-free-will views of Robert Doyle, of the university’s department of astronomy. Note that at the outset Lambert states the problem as one of dualism, a view that many compatibilists claim, nobody really holds. I disagree, of course, for it’s the view of millions of religious folks.
America’s poor: Out of sight, out of mind
Neither candidate seems to be paying much attention to the country's lowest economic bracket
Don't Let'em Persecute Wikileaks, It'll Make Journalists Criminals Around the Globe
Empire State Bldg shooting: All by-standers injured by police; dramatic surveillance video released
The body of a shooting victim is moved by the New York City Coroner near the site of the Empire State building where a gunman opened fire shooting several bystanders before being killed by police in New York, August 24, 2012. (Reuters/Keith Bedford) |
CIA outsources harsh interrogations to its allies
My Life as the Daughter of a Cult Leader
In the wake of Jack Schaap’s removal as pastor, here’s a TEDx talk by Linda Murphrey, daughter of Jack Hyles.
Why I Am No Longer a Creationist
From the author: I’m no longer a creationist or a Christian… these videos are some of the reasons why.
Steve Dustcircle can be found at: