FBI Ignored Deadly Threat to Occupiers: US Intelligence Machine Instead Plotted with Bankers to Attack Protest Movement

Senate Reauthorizes Warrantless Wiretapping
After Defeating Moderate Reforms, Senate Extends Unchecked Surveillance Powers for Five Years
Deprogramming Progressives

Matt Damon laments U.S. politics: ‘We’re genuinely f*cked’ on long-term issues

Idle No More: Indigenous-Led Protests Sweep Canada for Native Sovereignty and Environmental Justice
America's "Founding Fathers" Detested the Paradise of Delightful Debauchery and Freedom That Was 18th Century America
West unleashing terrorism against Syria: Mark Glenn
Power of Anti-Government Propaganda
Exclusive: By many standards, President Obama has done a remarkable job, steering the U.S. and the world away from a global depression and enacting reforms to benefit millions of Americans. But he has fought against a powerful dynamic of modern U.S. politics, a hatred of the federal government, says Robert Parry.
How The New York Times erases Israel’s crimes
According to The New York Times, there is no siege of Gaza, no occupation of the West Bank, and never was there a Nakba (the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine). Three recent articles erase these key Israeli crimes from the historical record.
The Vitamin Water Deception
17 Solutions for a Better America in 2013
Don't most Americans believe and want strong law enforcement against corporate crime and fraud and abuses against consumers, taxpayers, the environment and workers? The first step is telling your member of Congress to toughen the weak laws and beef up the law enforcement budgets which will pay for themselves many, many times over in deterrence, damage prevention to innocent people, and fines.
War Made Easy
Oliver Stone: 'US Has Become An Orwellian State'
How the FBI Coordinated the Crackdown on Occupy

What Could Have Been: The Most Important Bills Blocked by Republicans in 2012
Renewing Warrantless Eavesdropping
To this day, many people identify mid-2008 as the time they realized what type of politician Barack Obama actually is. Six months before, when seeking the Democratic nomination, then-Sen. Obamaunambiguously vowed that he would filibuster "any bill" that retroactively immunized the telecom industry for having participated in the illegal Bush NSA warrantless eavesdropping program.
The Social Costs of the Austerity Agenda

Made in China - By prison labor
"A State Secret"
Congress Extends Surveillance Power