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Made in the USA - By prisoner labor
Re-inventing the slave trade
Activists Dismayed at Renewal of Surveillance Bill

Bernie Sanders Slams Boehner and Right Wing House Extremists for Fiscal Cliff
US Senate reauthorizes FISA surveillance law
There Is Nothing Heroic About Torture

The Foreclosure Cliff
The Financial Elite's War Against the US Economy
Today’s economic warfare is not the kind waged a century ago between labor and its industrial employers. Finance has moved to capture the economy at large, industry and mining, public infrastructure (via privatization) and now even the educational system. (At over $1 trillion, U.S. student loan debt came to exceed credit-card debt in 2012.) The weapon in this financial warfare is no larger military force. The tactic is to load economies (governments, companies and families) with debt, siphon off their income as debt service and then foreclose when debtors lack the means to pay. Indebting government gives creditors a lever to pry away land, public infrastructure and other property in the public domain. Indebting companies enables creditors to seize employee pension savings. And indebting labor means that it no longer is necessary to hire strikebreakers to attack union organizers and strikers.
US War Machine Leaves Ugly Imprint in Afghanistan

2012 In Review: A Year of Extreme Weather, Mass Shootings, Drone Wars and Dark Money in Politics
Amid "Cliff-Hanger" Antics, Senator Bernie Sanders Defends Middle Class
The Top 12 Political Fallacies of 2012
Our nation was gripped by so many fallacies and delusions in 2012 that the whole Mayan calendar end-of-the-world thing didn’t even make the list.
A Wee Comparison of Civil Liberties in the United States of America
Compare and contrast. Here is how seriously we take civil liberties when the subject can be plausibly labeled terrorism
8 Striking Parallels Between the U.S. and the Roman Empire
Lawrence Lessig’s Republic Lost documents the corrosive effect of money on our political process. Lessig persuasively makes the case that we are witnessing the loss of our republican form of government, as politicians increasingly represent those who fund their campaigns, rather than our citizens.
The GOP Has Taken America Hostage -- Is There a Downside for Them?
Church-State Watchdog Group Says Firms Don’t Have A Religious Liberty Right To Deny Workers Access To Contraceptives
US Whistleblowers on Being Targeted by the Secret Security State
Privacy by the Numbers: A New Approach to Safeguarding Data
A mathematical technique called “differential privacy” gives researchers access to vast repositories of personal data while meeting a high standard for privacy protection
Evolution and Atheism
I have been reading more about evolution and I am beginning to think that the radical clerics are right in a sense. A deep understanding of evolution may lead people away from god and religion, but not for the reasons that are commonly stated.
Obama administration considering expansion of mortgage refinancing program

Israel To Displace 1000 Palestinians Next Wednesday
Head of the Wadi Al-Maleh area, in the northern plains of the occupied West Bank, Aref Daraghma, stated that the Israeli army intends to displace around 10000 Palestinian Bedouins in the area in order to conduct military training.