Police State Laboratory
One victim among many more
Danny Katch talked to Rockaways resident Kizzy Parsons about the hardships she and her children have had to endure in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Making an affordable housing crisis worse
Don Lash looks at the impact of the Sandy disaster on New York's public housing.
Don Lash looks at the impact of the Sandy disaster on New York's public housing.
Striking the fast-food giants
Peter Rugh reports from New York City on a day of walkouts at fast-food restaurants--another step in what organizers call the largest union drive in fast-food history.
Peter Rugh reports from New York City on a day of walkouts at fast-food restaurants--another step in what organizers call the largest union drive in fast-food history.
Palestine and the Intifada
Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, tells the story of the Palestinian uprising that shook Middle East politics starting 25 years ago this month.
How Obama Could Stop Those Israeli Settlements
Olmert may be overstating things, but not by much. Certainly Netanyahu's settlement surprise isn't the show of gratitude Obama had reason to expect after the US voted with Israel against Palestine's bid for nonmember observer status at the UN--a bid so reasonable and innocuous that Israel and the US, in opposing it, were in a minority of 9 out of 147 voting nations. And some of those 9 were on our side only because of American arm twisting.
U.S. Failure To Act Swiftly On Global Warming Imperils The U.S. And The World
Another Drone Captured: Washington Feels Trepid
Israel And Palestine: Man In Search Of Humanity
‘Meshnet’ the new ‘parallel Internet’? Or are more extreme measures needed?
Israel’s Lesson to Palestinians: Build More Rockets?
“We want them to know that when they attack us mercilessly, when they treat us like animals, we will fight back,” says one young Palestinian.
Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, tells the story of the Palestinian uprising that shook Middle East politics starting 25 years ago this month.
An Economy That Works for the Middle Class Won’t Happen on Its Own
A vital goal of economic policy should be to raise the living standards of the millions of American households who have seen their wages and living standards stagnate or decline over the last few decades. Fundamental to this is an economy that produces good, well-paying jobs. The biggest obstacle to this, currently, is the jobs crisis driven by a shortfall in aggregate demand. Additional factors though, written into our current policies, mean that even when the economy does recover, there is no reason to believe that the jobs it produces will actually be well-paying jobs.
Speechless in Gaza
Gazans in the medical field have been working in unimaginable circumstances for years. During Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, “17 health personnel were killed and 26 injured. In total, 29 ambulances were damaged or destroyed by bombs or crushed by armoured vehicles, while 48 per cent of Gaza’s 122 health facilities were either directly or indirectly hit by shelling.”
A Letter To Chevron’s CEO:
Your Business Is Creating A Climate ‘Incompatible With An Organized Global Community’
From: David Fenton
To: John Watson, CEO of Chevron
To: John Watson, CEO of Chevron
Bernie Sanders on Why Big Media Shouldn’t Get Bigger
Watch the full interview this weekend on Moyers & Company. Click here to find show times and channels in your area.
Sleeping Giant Says No To Crowd Control Drones
Coal Export Threatens the Northwest
How Obama Could Stop Those Israeli Settlements
Olmert may be overstating things, but not by much. Certainly Netanyahu's settlement surprise isn't the show of gratitude Obama had reason to expect after the US voted with Israel against Palestine's bid for nonmember observer status at the UN--a bid so reasonable and innocuous that Israel and the US, in opposing it, were in a minority of 9 out of 147 voting nations. And some of those 9 were on our side only because of American arm twisting.
U.S. Failure To Act Swiftly On Global Warming Imperils The U.S. And The World
Another Drone Captured: Washington Feels Trepid
Israel And Palestine: Man In Search Of Humanity
‘Meshnet’ the new ‘parallel Internet’? Or are more extreme measures needed?
“We want them to know that when they attack us mercilessly, when they treat us like animals, we will fight back,” says one young Palestinian.