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Don't forget to go to and VOTE for which book we'll be giving away in December. There's also a Donation button, if you're inclined to give toward this site. Also, have you written a book? We'd like to read and review it.
Bradley Manning to speak for first time since arrest in pre-trial testimony
Soldier allegedly behind WikiLeaks documents leak to be called as a witness in first public statement since 2010
The welfare system is already stacked against the young
The decision to remove housing benefit from the under-25s is just another item on the list of ways our welfare system is penalising the young.
For Restaurants, Food Waste Is Seen As Low Priority
The welfare system is already stacked against the young
The decision to remove housing benefit from the under-25s is just another item on the list of ways our welfare system is penalising the young.
Ashley Judd goes to Washington?
Hollywood actress and political activist Ashley Judd is reportedly mulling over a possible challenge to Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). McConnell’s fifth term in the Senate will end in 2014, completing a run of 30 years. This is the Senate leader, of course, who famously declared early in President Obama’s first term that the Republican Party’s top priority was to make President Obama a one-term president. Yes, McConnell is a political powerhouse in Kentucky and the country. He sits on a political war chest of nearly $7 million, earmarked specifically for his re-election campaign in 2014.
For Restaurants, Food Waste Is Seen As Low Priority

Dumpsters packed with trash are lined up, and they get emptied only twice a week. Which means a lot of food sits here, filling the block with a deep, rank odor.
Will the siege on Gaza finally be lifted?
As the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas seems to be holding, many are hoping that one of the agreement’s main points — the easing of restrictions on people and goods coming in and out of the Gaza Strip — signals a new era for the besieged Palestinian territory.
He told a ceremony honoring journalists killed in the Israeli aggression and their relatives in Gaza on Monday night that the media victory is no less important than the military and political victories.
The Iron Dome kept missiles at bay, but another ‘dome’ shields the people from reality
The growing impact and dangers of global warming
Climate change, and a clear understanding of its impact on all aspects of life, has taken on acute importance in the past several months. The extreme weather events—the historic drought conditions over large parts of the world, the flash melting of Greenland’s surface ice and the intensity of Hurricane Sandy—are examples of the changes to global weather patterns that can be expected from an overall rise in Earth's surface temperature.
A New Light For Victims of Hurricane Sandy

5 Common Misconceptions About the Bible
When it comes to the Bible, modern Americans are at a distinct disadvantage. They know both too much and too little. They know too much because they live in a society in which references to the Bible -- positive and negative -- are frequent, creating a false sense of familiarity. They know too little because they have not read it, or have read only selected portions of it, or have allowed others to read it for them through the filtering lens of later theological doctrines or political opportunism. And that's a pity because the Bible, by which I mean the 24 basic books common to all Bibles (equivalent to the Jewish Tanakh or Hebrew Bible and to the Protestant Old Testament) is deserving of the same careful attention and close reading that we regularly bestow upon other classic texts.