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10 Reasons the GOP Is Really Messed Up -- According to Republicans
Why 'Black Friday' Has Dark Roots
Older generations may still associate "Black Friday" with the stock market crash of 1929, which triggered the Great Depression. But the connotation of financial distress dates back even further, to the collapse of the U.S. gold market on Sept. 24, 1869.
Lobbyists pay UK authorities to buy support for Israeli regime
Pro-Israeli lobbyists inside the UK have spent hundreds of thousands of pounds since the last general election taking lawmakers on propaganda tours to the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories.
Prosecution of Anonymous Activists Highlights War for Internet Control

Walmart Retaliates Against Black Friday Activists
Taming the Walmart Bully
Nationwide walkout emboldens America's labor movement.
Taming the Walmart Bully
Nationwide walkout emboldens America's labor movement.
Wal-Mart: Always Low Wages
Employees are planning a walkout on Black Friday, and that's only the beginning.
Occupy Strategy: Global Strike and Consumer Boycott Should Be on the Agenda
The Occupy movement is becoming viral, but its very own merit, which is to be a true grassroots movement without hierarchy or a defined leadership could be its Achilles heel. The global capitalist system, run by the very few people in control of mega corporate entities, will not cave in or even yield an inch just at the sight of camps, banners, and meaningful slogans. If the 99 percent want to have a real impact and effective results, without resorting to violence, they must focus on strategy and tactics. A new discourse must be defined, and this is far from the case at the moment.
Occupied Palestine is the longest unresolved conflict of our time. After 64 years, Palestinians remain largely isolated on their own. Their suffering continues. Their rights don't matter. Western nations scorn them. Rhetorical support only is provided. It's insulting, demeaning and meaningless. to Double US Drone Fleet
Food Bank Stocks Dry Up in Wake of Great Drought
The insufferable drought of 2012 continues to wreak havoc as food banks across the country feel the pinch. As the season of feasting gets underway, soaring food prices have cut government donations to the banks and soup kitchens that provide an essential safety net to over 50 million Americans who struggle to eat.
In Gaza, It’s the Occupation, Stupid
“The Palestinian people want to be free of the occupation,” award-winning Israeli journalist Gideon Levy summed up this week. It is that simple. This latest Israeli military assault on the people of Gaza is not an isolated event, but part of a 45-year occupation of the sliver of land wedged between Israel and the Mediterranean Sea, where 1.6 million people live under a brutal Israeli blockade that denies them most of the basic necessities of life. Without the unwavering bipartisan support of the United States for the Israeli military, the occupation of Palestine could not exist.
Tips for Dealing with Creationists
I hang out with Creationists occasionally and have seen many of the arguments they make. I’d like to tell you what I've found. This isn't a rebuttal against Creationist arguments (perhaps in a future post). Rather, I’d like to sensitize you to general errors that they make. Consider this a list of cautions when evaluating a Creationist presentation.
Fracking in America
Man Heckles Black Friday 'Zombies' In California
As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt’s Mediator Role and Gaza’s Ongoing Torment
Debate: From Short-Term Ceasefire to Long-Term Peace, How to Resolve the Israel-Gaza Crisis?
Wal-Mart Accused of Threatening Workers With Retaliation Ahead of Black Friday Walkouts, Protests
Minimum wage: Walkouts show it's time for the federal government to boost rate