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U.S. Mortality Rate: Deaths Surpass 2.5 Million For The First Time

Remember Iraq? Romney, Obama Fail To Make War Major Part Of Campaign

The United Nations are moving towards a finalization of a UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. In 2007 the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples boosted these rights in many national constitutions. Will western governments put their objections aside?
The US media’s schizophrenic approach to mass shootings

Christian Zionists increasingly act as if they were religious Jews until the End. They refer to the year 5773; many have changed their day of Sabbath from Sunday to Saturday; some have made aliyah through the use of suspect Jewish ancestry, or are on indefinitely renewed tourist visas; they donate millions of dollars indirectly to settlements activity and provide various IDF battalions military equipment; their national allegiance is seemingly stronger to Israel than America, as illustrated by their condemnation of US policy that criticizes Israel because Israeli policy is understood as God sanctioned and therefore infallible; and they make pilgrimages to Israel less to celebrate Christ and more to “witness the incoming” of Jews to Israel.http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2012/10/09/christian-zionists-back-israels-risky-policy-decisions/
Losing our religion: One in five Americans are now ‘nones’
Labeled “nones” because they claim either no religious preference or no religion at all, their ranks have hit 46 million people. Much of the growth is among young people -- one in three U.S. adults under 30 are now considered nones.
DHS: Our Reports To Congress Are Successful Bullshit
Okay, it's official. I no longer believe that our Department of Homeland Security is an actual government agency with important work to do. No, I now believe that it is a series of highly subtle performance art pieces designed to make us laugh at the sheer audacity of dumb government. We already know about the agency's boss, who is in charge of cybersecurity, not bothering to use the internet. And then there is the DHS's highly touted fusion centers being both a waste of money and a detriment to the very freedoms they're supposedly protecting.
http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20121004/18132820601/dhs-our-reports-to-congress-are-successful-bullshit.shtmlGiving online customers the chance to pay what they want works
The Humble Indie Bundle shows most do the right thing which helps offset the people who don't give a damn
Why America's Empire Never Achieves Its Goals
Deal With the Devil: Monsanto vs Own Growers

US, Israel Have Plan for Joint 'Surgical Strike' Against Iran
Obama has a military option plan against Iran -- a "joint U.S.-Israeli surgical strike," and he should communicate it to diffuse comments from Romney that he has not been tough enough on Iran and has not issued a "red line," according to a report published Monday in Foreign Policy.
How the US Quietly Lost the IED War in Afghanistan
Although the surge of “insider attacks” on U.S.-NATO forces has dominated coverage of the war in Afghanistan in 2012, an even more important story has been quietly unfolding: the U.S. loss of the pivotal war of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to the Taliban.
American Empire: A Disaster on Autopilot

Go for the Jugular: What a Real Attack on Mitt Romney and the 1% Could Look Like
I agree with Deepak Bhargava that President Obama’s record “is more mixed” than critics and admirers admit, that progressives must refocus our attention on Congress and statehouse elections, and that elections are a “necessary but not sufficient condition for a revival of progressive politics.”
Why America Needs White History Month

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Buying Power: Corporate Money in Politics
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Cops Harass, Grope, and Threaten Teenager “For Being a F*cking Mutt"
Bug-based food dye - harmful or not?
Vote Fraud - Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out
Danny DeVito and Crew Speak Out for Prop 37, GMO Labeling
War on Drugs an 'obstacle to black progress'?
Teenage rights activist shot in Pakistan
Will the JPMorgan fraud lawsuit be the first of many on Wall Street?
Fear in Advertising
Conspiracy road trip with creationists: Noah’s Ark and other LOLz
Gaza's People Blame Poverty on Israeli Blockade and Hamas Leadership
For Gazans life remains unbearable, Amnesty International estimates that 70 percent of families live on less than one dollar per person per day
Watch full multipart Humanitarian Crisis Continues in Gaza |