The Most Important Political News This Week

Obama Refuses to Talk About Drone 'Kill List' with Ohio Reporter
How does this President justify having a "Presidential kill list"?
Politics and Plutocrats: A Parade of Inequality
America is currently engaged in the most expensive presidential contest in world history. In the United States, money doesn’t just talk – it dictates. How can we hope to make progress on the path to sustainability when the road is blocked by barricades of bullion backed by battalions of billionaires? How do we break through the political gridlock?
13% of Students Paying For College with Credit Cards Cannot Afford to Graduate
As millions of young adults begin their fall semesters across the nation, new findings from a national survey by policy center Demos reveal the relationship between college costs and credit card debt, and its impact on students and their parents.
The Worst Welfare Benefits the Best-Off: Corporations
Corporate welfare has all of the disadvantages of social-welfare spending with none of the benefits.
Jerusalem: Why Israelis and Palestinians, Democrats and Republicans fight over it
By leaving support for Jerusalem as Israel's capital off its platform, the Democratic party sparked the latest fierce debate on the much-disputed city. What's the back story?
John Stuart Mill, Internet Trolls & the Principle of Charity, Part I
In ‘On Liberty’, one of John Stuart Mill’s concerns was the best way to conduct ourselves, since conduct in expression was central to his moral claims about individual liberty. Mill was passionate about correct conduct in the exchange of ideas since it was for him the most powerful way for individuals to learn new ideas and alter their beliefs. When this occurred, society, Mill thought, would be better as the best ideas would be embraced, since all the worser ones would’ve been countered effectively. With this in mind, it may help to consider his ideas in light of online writing.
Pentagon Claims Book About Bin Laden’s Assassination Reveals Classified Information
The aim of “No Easy Day,” a book co-authored by former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette about bin Laden’s assassination, was “to share a story about the incredible men and women defending America all over the world” — according to Bissonnette’s co-author Kevin Maurer. Still, the Defense Department is now considering legal action, as they claim the book reveals classified information, and could potentially bring criminal charges against Bissonnette.
Why I Wish I Didn't Watch Football And All Its Brutality
I realized this weekend, during college football’s opening weekend, that I can’t watch the game the way I used to. Not after a summer filled with reports about the dangers of the game, a suicide perhaps caused by concussion-related depression, and a dispute over player safety. I notice every bone-crushing hit, every whip of the head, every helmet-to-helmet clash in a way I never have before, and I wince not just because my favorite team’s best player might be hurt, but because somewhere, at some level, young men are racking up seemingly routine hits that will affect them for the rest of their lives.
Ron Paul tells Jay Leno: ‘Democracy isn’t all that healthy in this country’
Appearing on Tuesday night’s episode of NBC’s “The Tonight Show,” former Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) again dismissed talk of a potential third-party run for the nation’s highest office, and lamented that “democracy isn’t all that healthy in this country.”
Mormons rally for Obama
Despite Romney being the first Mormon presidential nominee, hundreds of his fellow believers gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina on Tuesday to campaign for his adversary, Barack Obama.
Convenient Myths And Liberal Imperialism
The Liberal Way to Run the World: “Improve” or We’ll Kill You
CNN and the Business of State-sponsored TV News
The network is seriously compromising its journalism in the Gulf states by blurring the line between advertising and editorial
Hacked Intel Email: NYPD Involved in "Damn Right Felonious Activity"
Among the 5 million emails the group Anonymous hacked from the servers of private intelligence firm Stratfor in February, one seems to not only confirm the controversial NYPD surveillance activities uncovered by the Associated Press, but hints at even worse civil liberties violations not yet disclosed. Anonymous later turned the emails over to WikiLeaks, with which Truthout has entered into an investigative partnership.
An estimated 14.9 percent of U.S. households — 17.9 million in total — "had difficulty" at some point last year getting food because they just didn't have enough money or other resources,the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported this morning.
What do socialists say about Election 2012?
Everyone--the media commentators, leaders of the two parties, liberal supporters of the Democrats and conservative supporters of the Republicans--are saying that the 2012 presidential election offers a clear choice between two fundamentally different political visions. So why doesn't it seem that way most of the time? Lance Selfa, author of The Democrats: A Critical History, explains why in this interview with
Obama the populist?
Barack Obama talked tough about Wall Street in his State of the Union speech. But look behind the rhetoric, and his economic proposals fall short of what's needed.
Two friends of the 1 percent
The Democrats are every bit as committed to Corporate America as the Republicans.
The agenda that both parties share
Almost everything we'll hear from now until November will be about how different the Republicans and Democrats are--but the truth is they agree about an awful lot.
DNC / Charlotte: Re-Defining the First Amendment....with COPS!
Examples of the new definition of America's remaining First Amendment were featured at the 2012 Democratic National Convention,as soon as the first protester marchers stepped-off, Sunday, Sept 2, from Marshall Park. A huge crowd of approximately 8,000 would normally have been a strong indication of America's growing discontent and demand for change. Sadly, the huge crowd was divided into about 500 journalists, 3000, or so, apathetic gawkers from the Charlotte area,1000 passionate, very vocal, protesters, and........ 3,500 cops.
America Stuck on Stupid
The American Taliban a.k.a. , the Tea Party and all with their mindset, suffer from the same affliction. They're infected with an imaginary disease, or a fictional Barack Obama, one they've created. It's much like a phantom pain. It aches something fierce, yet it doesn't exist. The angry, ungodly, Jesus-hating, devil-worshipping, Kenyan, secret Muslim who wants to enslave whites, take away our Constitutional rights to our guns, piss on the constitution create a socialistic society ... etc ... has never existed. This is why their imaginary illness can never be cured, because they can't see or hear the real Barack Obama. They have blocked out any chance for dialogue with lies, innuendos and plain nonsense.
How Do We Get People Into the Streets?
In response to Chris Hedges' recent proposition that "serious revolt is the only option," my friend -- himself a tireless and courageous lifelong activist devoted to decent cause -- asks: "How do we get people into the streets?"
Israel Says: Rachel Made Me Do It -- An Analysis
On 16 March 2003, the last day of her life, 23-year-old Rachel Corrie was in the Gaza town of Rafah standing in front of the Palestinian family home (not just a house) of Dr. Samir Nasrallah. Dr. Nasrallah was a local pharmacist and Ms Corrie had been staying with his family while serving as part of an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) cadre seeking to disrupt the Israeli army's (IDF) on-going demolition of Palestinian homes. Between 2000 and 2004, the Israelis destroyed enough homes in the Rafah area to leave some 1,700 people homeless.
The Modern US Army: Unfit for Service?
y journey into the dark underworld of the US military begins on a rainy Tuesday morning in March 2008, with a visit to Tampa, Florida. I am here to meet Forrest Fogarty, an American patriot who served in the US army for two years in Iraq. Fogarty is also a white supremacist of the serious Hitler-worshipping type.
The Vanishing Appeal Of Capitalism
It should be clear by now that our economic system is at a critical impasse, and therefore becoming less and less useful. America is not as prosperous as it once was, although some Americans enjoy the wealth of sovereigns. Americans work harder and longer than they used to, with less pay and less benefits and less chance for advancement, while some Americans have advanced beyond their wildest dreams. Inequality reeks in the land of equals.
Health Care Reform Leaves Some Low-Income Americans At Risk For Big Medical Costs
Sometimes, even having health insurance isn't enough. Nick Shumaker faced down the shortcomings of his coverage when he learned the medicines to treat his hepatitis C would cost him and his wife $10,000 they just didn't have.
Redefining Freedom in America
Republican guests on both my public television and public radio shows, including former presidential aspirants Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee, have suggested to me that the latter is the line that Romney/Ryan need to repeat over, and over, and over again if they want to truly inspire turnout amongst their conservative political base.
Poverty Must be Tackled But Never Used as an Excuse
A recent ad campaign we launched at StudentsFirst to raise awareness around the weak academic performance of U.S. students compared to their global peers drew all kinds of reactions. Many people were shocked to learn we're among the worst performing nations in the world in math and said they wanted to help bring about change. But some said our lagging scores weren't all that surprising, or even terribly disappointing, given high poverty levels in America.
John Stuart Mill, Internet Trolls & the Principle of Charity, Part I
In ‘On Liberty’, one of John Stuart Mill’s concerns was the best way to conduct ourselves, since conduct in expression was central to his moral claims about individual liberty. Mill was passionate about correct conduct in the exchange of ideas since it was for him the most powerful way for individuals to learn new ideas and alter their beliefs. When this occurred, society, Mill thought, would be better as the best ideas would be embraced, since all the worser ones would’ve been countered effectively. With this in mind, it may help to consider his ideas in light of online writing.
Pentagon Claims Book About Bin Laden’s Assassination Reveals Classified Information
The aim of “No Easy Day,” a book co-authored by former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette about bin Laden’s assassination, was “to share a story about the incredible men and women defending America all over the world” — according to Bissonnette’s co-author Kevin Maurer. Still, the Defense Department is now considering legal action, as they claim the book reveals classified information, and could potentially bring criminal charges against Bissonnette.
Why I Wish I Didn't Watch Football And All Its Brutality
I realized this weekend, during college football’s opening weekend, that I can’t watch the game the way I used to. Not after a summer filled with reports about the dangers of the game, a suicide perhaps caused by concussion-related depression, and a dispute over player safety. I notice every bone-crushing hit, every whip of the head, every helmet-to-helmet clash in a way I never have before, and I wince not just because my favorite team’s best player might be hurt, but because somewhere, at some level, young men are racking up seemingly routine hits that will affect them for the rest of their lives.
Ron Paul tells Jay Leno: ‘Democracy isn’t all that healthy in this country’
Appearing on Tuesday night’s episode of NBC’s “The Tonight Show,” former Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) again dismissed talk of a potential third-party run for the nation’s highest office, and lamented that “democracy isn’t all that healthy in this country.”
Mormons rally for Obama
Despite Romney being the first Mormon presidential nominee, hundreds of his fellow believers gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina on Tuesday to campaign for his adversary, Barack Obama.
Convenient Myths And Liberal Imperialism
The Liberal Way to Run the World: “Improve” or We’ll Kill You
CNN and the Business of State-sponsored TV News
The network is seriously compromising its journalism in the Gulf states by blurring the line between advertising and editorial
Hacked Intel Email: NYPD Involved in "Damn Right Felonious Activity"
Among the 5 million emails the group Anonymous hacked from the servers of private intelligence firm Stratfor in February, one seems to not only confirm the controversial NYPD surveillance activities uncovered by the Associated Press, but hints at even worse civil liberties violations not yet disclosed. Anonymous later turned the emails over to WikiLeaks, with which Truthout has entered into an investigative partnership.
What do socialists say about Election 2012?
Everyone--the media commentators, leaders of the two parties, liberal supporters of the Democrats and conservative supporters of the Republicans--are saying that the 2012 presidential election offers a clear choice between two fundamentally different political visions. So why doesn't it seem that way most of the time? Lance Selfa, author of The Democrats: A Critical History, explains why in this interview with
Obama the populist?
Barack Obama talked tough about Wall Street in his State of the Union speech. But look behind the rhetoric, and his economic proposals fall short of what's needed.
Two friends of the 1 percent
The Democrats are every bit as committed to Corporate America as the Republicans.
The agenda that both parties share
Almost everything we'll hear from now until November will be about how different the Republicans and Democrats are--but the truth is they agree about an awful lot.
DNC / Charlotte: Re-Defining the First Amendment....with COPS!
Examples of the new definition of America's remaining First Amendment were featured at the 2012 Democratic National Convention,as soon as the first protester marchers stepped-off, Sunday, Sept 2, from Marshall Park. A huge crowd of approximately 8,000 would normally have been a strong indication of America's growing discontent and demand for change. Sadly, the huge crowd was divided into about 500 journalists, 3000, or so, apathetic gawkers from the Charlotte area,1000 passionate, very vocal, protesters, and........ 3,500 cops.
America Stuck on Stupid
The American Taliban a.k.a. , the Tea Party and all with their mindset, suffer from the same affliction. They're infected with an imaginary disease, or a fictional Barack Obama, one they've created. It's much like a phantom pain. It aches something fierce, yet it doesn't exist. The angry, ungodly, Jesus-hating, devil-worshipping, Kenyan, secret Muslim who wants to enslave whites, take away our Constitutional rights to our guns, piss on the constitution create a socialistic society ... etc ... has never existed. This is why their imaginary illness can never be cured, because they can't see or hear the real Barack Obama. They have blocked out any chance for dialogue with lies, innuendos and plain nonsense.
How Do We Get People Into the Streets?
In response to Chris Hedges' recent proposition that "serious revolt is the only option," my friend -- himself a tireless and courageous lifelong activist devoted to decent cause -- asks: "How do we get people into the streets?"
Israel Says: Rachel Made Me Do It -- An Analysis
On 16 March 2003, the last day of her life, 23-year-old Rachel Corrie was in the Gaza town of Rafah standing in front of the Palestinian family home (not just a house) of Dr. Samir Nasrallah. Dr. Nasrallah was a local pharmacist and Ms Corrie had been staying with his family while serving as part of an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) cadre seeking to disrupt the Israeli army's (IDF) on-going demolition of Palestinian homes. Between 2000 and 2004, the Israelis destroyed enough homes in the Rafah area to leave some 1,700 people homeless.
The Modern US Army: Unfit for Service?

The Vanishing Appeal Of Capitalism
It should be clear by now that our economic system is at a critical impasse, and therefore becoming less and less useful. America is not as prosperous as it once was, although some Americans enjoy the wealth of sovereigns. Americans work harder and longer than they used to, with less pay and less benefits and less chance for advancement, while some Americans have advanced beyond their wildest dreams. Inequality reeks in the land of equals.
Health Care Reform Leaves Some Low-Income Americans At Risk For Big Medical Costs
Sometimes, even having health insurance isn't enough. Nick Shumaker faced down the shortcomings of his coverage when he learned the medicines to treat his hepatitis C would cost him and his wife $10,000 they just didn't have.
Redefining Freedom in America
Republican guests on both my public television and public radio shows, including former presidential aspirants Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee, have suggested to me that the latter is the line that Romney/Ryan need to repeat over, and over, and over again if they want to truly inspire turnout amongst their conservative political base.
Poverty Must be Tackled But Never Used as an Excuse
A recent ad campaign we launched at StudentsFirst to raise awareness around the weak academic performance of U.S. students compared to their global peers drew all kinds of reactions. Many people were shocked to learn we're among the worst performing nations in the world in math and said they wanted to help bring about change. But some said our lagging scores weren't all that surprising, or even terribly disappointing, given high poverty levels in America.
A Major Failure by Washington
This week’s Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) conference in Tehran brought nostalgic memories of the Cold War and world-bestriding leaders like Nehru, Nasser, Castro, Nkrumah, and Sukarno. However, most of them were disasters for their nations, but they certainly were colorful and interesting.
Entangled With Israel
Israel’s attempt to steer American foreign policy has been nowhere more evident than in the sustained campaign to move the United States in the direction of war with Iran, a war that serves no American interest unless one believes that Tehran is willing to spend billions of dollars to develop a nuclear weapon only to hand off the result to a terrorist group.
Egypt’s sexual harassment of women ‘epidemic’
Campaigners in Egypt say the problem of sexual harassment is reaching epidemic proportions, with a rise in such incidents over the past three months. For many Egyptian women, sexual harassment – which sometimes turns into violent mob-style attacks – is a daily fact of life, reports the BBC’s Bethany Bell in Cairo.
Federal judge rules airlines must stand trial for 9/11 negligence claim
[JURIST] A federal judge ruled Tuesday that American Airlines and United Continental Holdings must stand trial to defend against a claim by World Trade Center Properties (WTCP), the owners of the World Trade Center towers, who claim that the negligence of the airlines allowed the hijackers aboard the planes which eventually destroyed the towers on 9/11[JURIST backgrounder]. Judge Alvin Hellerstein of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York [official website] denied a motion [opinion] from United Airlines, American Airlines and others which claimed that the airlines should not be required to go to trial as WTCP already recovered from insurance companies.
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We Call Them Heroes and Treat Them Like Garbage
We Call Them Heroes and Treat Them Like Garbage
he month of July set a record high for the number of suicides in the U.S. military. An Army report reveals a total of 38 troops committed suicide last month, including 26 active-duty soldiers and 12 Army National Guard or reserve members - more soldiers than were killed on the battlefield. The reasons for the increase in suicides are not fully understood. Among explanations, studies point to combat exposure, post-traumatic stress, misuse of prescription medications and personal financial problems. Army data suggest soldiers with multiple combat tours are at greater risk of committing suicide.
Occupy Wall Street and the Return of Worker Solidarity in America
As the global Occupy movement gets ready to celebrate its first official birthday, many will attempt to summarize and quantify its accomplishments. Some will say the protests, marches, sit-ins and arrests have achieved nothing. They’ll say that because many of the original public encampments have disappeared (many illegally forced to disperse by violent police raids) the movement was defeated.
Occupy Wall Street and the Return of Worker Solidarity in America
As the global Occupy movement gets ready to celebrate its first official birthday, many will attempt to summarize and quantify its accomplishments. Some will say the protests, marches, sit-ins and arrests have achieved nothing. They’ll say that because many of the original public encampments have disappeared (many illegally forced to disperse by violent police raids) the movement was defeated.
Why Does Copyright Last 70 Years After Death... But Licenses Expire At Death?
Last week, we were among the group of folks who wrote about some articles highlighting the fact that, when you die, your library of digital goods likely dies with you, thanks to ridiculous licensing terms and DRM (and ignoring unauthorized copies). Over the weekend, there was a silly -- and quickly proven bogus -- story claiming that Bruce Willis was so incensed by this that he was going to file a lawsuit on the legality of passing down his digital content to his children.
6 Reasons We Need to Protect America from Texas Politicians
Murray Energy Required Miners To Attend Romney Rally Without Pay
Bill Moyers on How Evangelical Christian Activist Ralph Reed is Resurrecting His Political Career
DIY Drones: The Future is Now
Here is a sample of LeMeiux's course that is available on Youtube:
Deval Patrick: Democrats Need to Grow a Backbone
Naomi Klein Speaks Out Against Kinder Morgan and Enbridge Pipeline Plans
Undocumented Activists Arrested Outside DNC After Cross-Country Journey for Immigration Reform
ADVICE: My husband hangs out with women who talk about sex all day. Am I wrong to be jealous?
Steve Dustcircle can be found at: