Now We Know Our ABCs. And Charter Schools Get an F.
The Chicago teacher strike is over, but the assault on our nation's children has just begun. As with all free market systems, the price is set high enough to ensure a profit for the companies doing business, even though not everyone will be able to afford their product.
Fifteen Issues this Election is NOT About
Neither candidate is interested in stopping the use of the death penalty for federal or state crimes.
Poll finds high level of distrust in the media. Anybody surprised?
A new Gallup survey finds most Americans have little or no trust in the media, especially Republicans and independents. Is this a dangerous trend in a democracy reliant on public information?
Mitt Romney Is Out of Sync With the Small Government Movement
He's also out of touch with everyday Americans.
The End of International Environmentalism
Green ideology crashes and burns at the Rio +20 Earth Summit.
Occupy fizzled because it got America wrong
Robert Ehrlich says protesters failed to realize that most people would like to join the 1 percent
Yousef Munayyer delves into the political outlook for the next ten years between the USA, Palestine and Israel.
Stealing Palestinian Resources
Stealing Palestinian Resources
Israel wants it all. For decades, it's been systematically stealing Palestinian land and resources.
Israel Seeks War on Iran to Keep Lid on 9/11
Almost every politically-aware person on the planet is puzzled by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s bizarre obsession with Iran. Netanyahu is risking his political career, his reputation, and Israel’s future by intervening in the US presidential elections.
Monsanto Launches Damage Control Over GMO/Cancer Study
Biotech giant Monsanto has launched a desperate damage control effort in the aftermath of a French study which found that rats fed on Monsanto’s genetically-engineered corn were far more likely to suffer tumors, organ failure and premature death.
The Future of the Supreme Court If Romney Wins

When GPS Tracking Violates Privacy Rights
Court was right to protect journalists from threat of military detention
The Sept. 17 editorial “Detention wars, continued,” criticizing U.S. District Judge Katherine B. Forrest’s decision to enjoin Section 1021(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), is a disturbing stance for a news organization that has foreign correspondents. The act, among other things, allows the military detention of persons who “substantially supported” al-Qaeda or the Taliban.
Our dishonest debate over NSA spying
The House of Representatives recently signed off on another five years of sweeping warrantless surveillance by the National Security Agency, voting by a wide margin to extend the controversial FISA Amendments Act of 2008. But the debate on the House floor showed that the law’s staunchest supporters either don’t understand what the law really says and does—or don’t care.
Report Will Make Every American Well Rehearsed In What Our Government & Military Is Prepared To Do If Ever Confronted With Homegrown Insurgents
Has Occupy Accomplished Anything?
I was asked today to "enlighten" someone who asked the question, "has the Occupy stuff actually accomplished anything?" At first I had the typical knee-jerk reaction many of us have, in feeling I had to defend or justify myself. Then I stepped back and decided to really think about not only the answer to the question, but mainly to think about why this kind of question is being asked so often by so many. The answer I came up with popped into my head in 2 words"
New Chicago Police Policy Advances Treatment for Transgender People
After two years of pressure from a coalition of LGBT advocates, the Chicago Police Department has adopted a general order mandating more respectful treatment for transgender detainees.
Shocking Study: Suicide Overtakes Car Accidents As Leading Cause of Death -- Is the Economy to Blame?
More Money, Less Democracy
GRTV: Muslim Rage at US is More than a Decade Old
Everyone who attended OWS with a cell phone had their identity logged, says security expert