24.Sept.2012: Pastors Challenge IRS by Candidate Endorsement, the Evil of Monsanto and GMOs, Creationists Threaten U.S. Science, Worst Campaign Ever, Topless Warriors, Walmart March, Justice for U.S. Palestinians, Juvenile Justice System Inhumane, Democracy for Sale, Zionist Fanatics, Jesse Ventura for President 2016
More than 1,000 pastors plan to challenge IRS by endorsing presidential candidate
The annual event, dubbed “Pulpit Freedom Sunday,” has been organized by the conservative Christian group Alliance Defending Freedom. The pastors participating in the event plan to preach about the election, endorse a candidate, and send video of their sermon to the IRS.
Internet companies are a different breed. Because they traffic in speech - rather than, say, corn syrup or warplanes - they make decisions every day about what kind of expression is allowed where. And occasionally they come under pressure to explain how they decide, on whose laws and values they rely, and how they distinguish between toxic speech that must be taken down and that which can remain.
The irony of a humanitarian law that protected slave owners rather than slaves was not lost on European critics. But Americans argued that to seize an enemy's slaves was to make war on civilian economic resources.
Ten Ways Corporate Food Is Threatening Our Food Supplies
I don’t entirely trust the US government any more to look out for our health. We are increasingly exposed to thousands of chemicals that haven’t really been tested (plastics are full of them). We’re not even given the courtesy of knowing which foods are genetically modified so we can make a market choice for the natural ones.
If a child becomes morbidly obese under their parents care, should the child then be removed from the family home and looked after elsewhere? Is categorising clinical obesity as a child protection issue yet another example of meddling bureaucrats in our nanny state exercising control, or should a child's physical health take utmost precedence regardless of the consequences?
As virtuous people, we expect corporations to act with a sense of fundamental human decency. We expect them to behave within the boundaries of respecting human life, honest business practices and reliable science. We (naively) wish that corporations would act like decent human beings.
That the “war on terror” is a sick, manipulative joke cannot be more clearly demonstrated by the decision of the US State Department yesterday to remove the Marxist-Islamist death and murder cult, Mujahedeen Khalq (MeK), from the US terror list.
Proposition 37, a Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Initiative, plainly states that raw or processed foods offered for sale to consumers must be properly labeled if they contain GMOs, and that no food products labeled "natural" can legally contain GMOs. Passage of this important ballot measure is the key to sparking GMO labeling laws nationwide, as it has the potential to drastically change for the better the way major food companies formulate their products. (http://www.carighttoknow.org/)
There’s no Intolerance like Tolerance of Intolerance
I am an advocate for free speech. This may not surprise you, since many of the topics I write on are somewhat controversial, at least in the eyes and minds of some people. The right to free speech underpins the democratic system, one where the voice and opinion of an individual can be used to influence the actions and decisions of governmental power. Free speech, and freedom of speech, are featured along the separation of church and state in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution
Regular Consumption of Sugary Beverages Linked to Increased Genetic Risk of Obesity Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health have found that greater consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is linked with a greater genetic susceptibility to high body mass index (BMI) and increased risk of obesity. The study reinforces the view that environmental and genetic factors may act together to shape obesity risk.
Twitter Chief Says Company Will Fight Against Releasing Private Content
he chief executive of Twitter, Dick Costolo, has said the company will continue to fight legal challenges brought against its users by officials who want access to their archived tweets.
t's time to start worrying about Mitt Romney. Seriously. The guy may just be running the worst campaign ever. And yes, that includes the McDLT, print ads for organic hemp underwear and France in '39. Not to mention McCain/Palin in '08. Which currently holds the gold standard for lousy campaigns. Sure to be a Hall of Fame inductee in a couple years.
Most politicians are adept at telling people what they want to hear, but by both Democratic and Republican estimation, Romney is a special case who appears to have no convictions at all.
Topless warriors start boot camp for global feminism
In a chaotic and crumbling former public washhouse in a rundown district of northern Paris, Inna Shevchenko was explaining how a large leather punchbag hanging from the rafters might be used by the foot soldiers of a new generation of feminists.
How the Mitt Romney video killed the American Dream
Mitt Romney's historic gaffe caught on video -- published, with great timing, by the left-leaning Mother Jones magazine -- in which he said that his campaign was writing off 47% of American voters since they "depended on government" handouts, was committed in an equally significant manner, as he delivered the remarks to a closed group of potential major donors in Florida. GOP stalwart and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan is calling for an intervention in the campaign, and even some fellow Republicans are scampering to distance themselves from the inflammatory remarks.
The GMO debate is over; GM crops must be immediately outlawed; Monsanto halted from threatening humanity
The GMO debate is over. There is no longer any legitimate, scientific defense of growing GM crops for human consumption. The only people still clinging to the outmoded myth that "GMOs are safe" are scientific mercenaries with financial ties to Monsanto and the biotech industry.
Workers March to Demand Better Conditions from Walmart
As the marchers came down chants started to be heard. "Wallmart eschucha, estamos en la lucha," (Walmart listen, we are in the fight). "1,2.3,4 we don't want your Walmart store, 5,6,7,8, Walmart discriminates). "Los Pueblos unidos, james seran vencidos." (The people united, will never be defeated.)
Constitutional Amendment: Stop the Corporate "Coup d'etat"!
A Billionaire/Millionaire can contribute money to a political campaign that buys air-time with people believing what they hear. We see three issues to address: 1- Amendment, Corporations/like entities are property, not a person, artificial or otherwise. 2- Amendment, Corporations/like entities are excluded from any involvement in our electoral/political system, including financial. 3- Only a well-informed electorate can take control of their own government. The only answer to #3 is to educate the U.S. electorate. Do you not find it strange, that children in other countries are taught and learn more about the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence than our own children?
Justice and human rights should not be controversial issues. Certain truths are, one would expect, universal. After all, that was the point when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was so named. But the attempt to bring the issue of justice and human rights for the Palestinians into view of the American public has been mostly blocked. Having suffered for more than sixty years from discriminatory laws, occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing, justice for Palestinians continues to be an unreachable goal. In the US Americans have been denied the knowledge of the human rights abuses committed against the Palestinians and the voices of those who advocate for Palestinians continue to be drowned out by pro-Israel propagandists. Unless there is fair coverage in the media, the political institutions and the courts, justice will continue to be denied.
US Juvenile Justice System Inhumane, Breeds More Crime
The report, based on more than 1,000 surveys with parents and family members of incarcerated youth, describes a juvenile criminal justice system that rips minors away from their homes to make them wards of the state, where they are often subjected to traumatizing physical and sexual abuse, discrimination and isolation.