Over the past few centuries, science can be said to have gradually chipped away at the traditional grounds for believing in God. Much of what once seemed mysterious — the existence of humanity, the life-bearing perfection of Earth, the workings of the universe — can now be explained by biology, astronomy, physics and other domains of science.
Westboro Baptist Church Dealt Blow: Jerry Brown Signs Bill Restricting Protests At Funerals
The original legislation, proposed by State Sen. Ted Lieu, (D-Torrance), would have created a 1,000-foot buffer zone around funerals. Brown vetoed it last September, writing that while he was "very tempted" to sign it, he believed it would run afoul of a U.S. Supreme Court decision saying the protests were constitutionally protected free speech.
Mythbuster: Tall tales about welfare reform
Welfare reform is almost inevitably contentious. Answering the question of who should receive how much financial support relies on often competing conceptions of fairness, with rival views about who needs, and who deserves, our help, not to mention the most just and efficient way of providing it. These issues are worth debating – but the current debate is being conducted on shoddy terms. Myths and stereotypes abound.
The Military Spending Cut Scare
There are several ways in which this is misleading. First, "defense" here means military, whether or not defensive. Second, "cuts" in Washington-talk includes reductions in a budget from one year to the next, OR reductions from a desired dream-budget to a less-desired budget, even one that is an increase over last year's. For the past 13 years, military spending has grown to levels not seen since World War II.
Is Mainstream Media Biting The Bullet For Homeland Security
There is no dispute that our government has been buying up large amounts of ammunition. Purchase orders made by domestic federal agencies from the Department of Homeland Security add up to at least 1.4 billion rounds of assorted bullets ranging from .357 Magnum to .223 and .40 Caliber rounds. Stories have appeared on the Internet in the last few weeks provoking articles on a number of both progressive and right-wing websites.
American Politics Go Deeper Than Politics
A large majority of citizens think elections in the United States do not affect change in Washington's policies. They believe government decisions mostly benefit the wealthy who rig the system for themselves. So, why do so many uninformed voters support policy-empty slogans? Could it be more of an emotional exercise than a mental one?
A Sea Change in US-Israeli Relations?
The situation in the Middle East has reached a dangerous point, to be sure, but there are also signs that a sea change may be taking place here in the US which could herald a whole new relationship between the US, Israel and the rest of the Arab and Islamic world.
President Jill Stein?
It's estimated that both President Obama and Mitt Romney will draw out anywhere between 45 and 60 million apiece in November, according to 2008 turnout numbers. But according to one USA Today poll, an estimated 90 million people who could vote this year probably won't, as they're disappointed in both candidates and major political parties. What if just two-thirds of those 90 million people turned out for a candidate with a truly bold vision, who isn't beholden to corporate donors or bought party elites? It would be a colossal upset for the establishment, and a big win for citizens.
How I Was Kidnapped by the NYPD
The sun had just set on an early fall Saturday night in New York City, and the air was getting cold. The sidewalk was full of Occupiers and NYPD, and up ahead there was chaos and confusion. I could see camera flashes and rapid movements, and heard nothing but commands from the police and shouts of anti-police profanity from Occupiers watching their friends get snatched and grabbed at random. I linked arms with several Occupiers around me and shouted, "March! March!" and we drew close to the police lines. One white-shirted NYPD lieutenant got in my face as I looked around a wall of cops to see who it was that had just been knocked to the ground and handcuffed.
Government Files Emergency Appeal of NDAA Decision

New Study Links BPA to Obesity in Kids
Children with higher levels of BPA (bisphenol A) may be more likely to be obese, according to a study published today in The Journal of the American Medical Association.
Immigrants Are Losing the Policy Fight. But That’s Beside the Point
Like many others, I’ve worked for years to get Americans to think expansively and compassionately about immigration. In a decade dominated by the push for what’s been dubbed “comprehensive immigration reform,” I’ve argued that immigrants drive economic growth, pay taxes, add value to the culture, and don’t take jobs from native-born people.
Does 'Innocence of Muslims' meet the free-speech test?
U.S. 1st Amendment rights distinguish between speech that is simply offensive and speech deliberately tailored to put lives and property at immediate risk.
White House confirms cybersecurity order in the works
National Security Adviser John Brennan confirmed that the White House is drafting an executive order to encourage companies to better protect vital computer systems.
Lawyers Ponder Whether 'Secret Video' of Romney Violated Privacy Laws
Politicos want to know whether the "secret video" of Mitt Romney speaking at a private fundraising event will hurt his chances in the upcoming presidential election, but some lawyers are pondering a different question: Did the person who made the tape violate state law?
Podcasting: Stop Typing And Start Talking
No longer are you limited to a word count, demonstration time-limit or a broadcast timeslot. If a section runs long, you can produce a slightly longer episode, or at most release a special episode including extra content for those who are interested enough.
Where the Presidential Candidates Stand on Medicare and Medicaid
The Obama administration has retained the structure of Medicare and made moves to keep it afloat, whereas a Romney-Ryan administration proposes an overhaul and a voucher system to purchase insurance in a new private marketplace
Why The Chicago Teacher's Union Needs A Socialist Party
The Chicago Teacher’s Union (CTU) is facing a serious political problem as its strike enters a second week. The problem extends down from the highest heights in Washington, D.C. to the smallest ward in Chicago. The problem is the Democratic Party and this problem is only getting worse.
The 99% Rally For A Constitutional Convention
The non-electoral methods of the Occupy Wall Street movement are energizing millions who have been alienated for a long time from the two-party system of sham that the 1% controls.
Israeli War Against Palestinian Children

Freedom Of Expression or Freedom To Blaspheme?
Freedom of expression must not be confused with freedom from the consequences of expression. Exercising freedom and abusing it are not the same. The latter forfeits the former. Just because we are free to express ourselves, it doesn’t free us from the responsibility for what we express.
Why We Have to Go Back to a 40-Hour Work Week to Keep Our Sanity
Jonestown and Brainwashing
A US government funded project
Occupy Sunset Park: 99% Solidarity Grows, Brooklyn Community Tenants Stage Rent Strike
Here's the Full Video of Mitt Romney's Private Fundraiser (2 parts):
From Guantánamo to NDAA: Obama Admin Bids to Preserve Indefinite Detention at Home and Abroad
World War III Is Coming Soon And Here's Why
Mitt Romney says Palestinians have 'no interest in peace' in leaked video
US Ambassador Was Found Alive
3 Shocking Videos of Police Brutality at Yesterday's #OWS Demonstrations:
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