This is Steve,'s editor.
Don't forget to subscribe to our updates on the website!
Also, it has come to my attention that some of the VIDEO digests don't show some of the videos in the mailings. These are accessible on the website. The next VIDEOS emails I send out, I'll provide a link to the website so you can view the videos, instead of seeing just a list.
I maintain the website mostly on my own, usually putting in a couple of hours per day on the digests, reading and sorting through websites and websites of news, picking and choosing the best and most relevant headlines for you all.
If you've appreciated and have benefited from these mailings, use the WEPAY button on the website to donate any amount to the upkeep of the website, and to help offset the hours I put into this project. I'd thank you immensely.
We have two relatively new sections to the website: REVIEWS and EBOOK. I am personally writing a book, of which I have a Facebook fan page for. LIKE the page, and I'll drop exclusive leaks on the book (Yes, free chapters). Also, if you yourself have written a book, I'd like to review it! See the above links for more information on these two matters.
Again, thank you much for reading and participating in this website. I do it not for me, but for you.
- Steve