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The Empire's New Clothes
Barack Obama's nominees for defense secretary and CIA director fit with his project of remaking U.S. imperialism with a more effective--and more lethal--war machine.
The Soul of America
Even a Military Judge Recognizes What Many Progressives Deny: Bradley Manning Was Mistreated
Spiritual People Are More Likely To Face Mental Health Issues, Use Drugs Burr on the NDAA and Politics
Judge: Bradley Manning Illegally Punished
More Big Trouble for WalMart's Exploitative Profit Model
Chris Hedges on Gun Rights, Obama's Empire, and Serious Revolt
A Ringing Defeat for Stop-and-Frisk and a Huge Win for Civil Liberties
NYC Mayor Bloomberg endorses and orders this
Federal Judge says: "Cut it out!"
Sea Level Could Rise Up To Three Feet By 2100
The Unseen War On American Family Farms
The Republican Party: Imploding From Within, Heading Toward Political Oblivion
9 Ways to Beat the Patriarchal Christian Right Israel and the U.S. Becoming Fascist States?
Antidepressants and School Shootings, Suicide, Addiction.
Americans Less Healthy Than Other Wealthy Nations

Move Over GPS, Big Brother Has A New Way of Tracking Everyone
Anonymous Launches White House Petition Saying DDoS Should Be Recognized As A Valid Form Of Protest 25 Biggest Progressive Victories in 2012 Significant Defeat For The Zionist Lobby?
To Head CIA Obama Nominates Ringmaster of Torture
PLO Urges the EU to condemn Israel Obama Disappoints, Why the Surprise?, saved by US bailout, now considers suing US government
America’s 2nd Revolutionary War
Global Warming Is Changing American Way Of Life
Noam Chomsky: The Responsibility of Privilege
Five-step Process Cheat Middle-class Worker