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Surveillance Act Criticized, But Can It Be Fought?
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday considers whether to allow a challenge to a federal law that provides for large-scale electronic surveillance of international phone calls and emails. The case is not a direct test of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Rather, it is a test of whether the law can even be challenged in court at all.
Those who advocate a vote for the "lesser evil" hope to defeat the "greater evil" of the right wing--but they enable the Democrats to shift further right themselves.
Operation Get Rid of the Vote
Gary Lapon reports on the Republican scheme to not "get out the vote."
Why I'm still not voting for Obama
Todd Chretien considers the same question he took up at four years ago: Does Barack Obama deserve the votes of activists and radicals?
Why are NYPD murders on the rise?
Lee Wengraf looks at the factors involved in a growing record of police violence.
Could e-Voting Machines in Election 2012 Be Hacked? Yes.
Security experts say a specific kind of electronic-voting machine is vulnerable to being hacked. Influencing a national election would be difficult, but the advance of malware makes it possible.
The Politics of 'Climate Silence'
For environmentalists -- and many ordinary Americans -- it seemed a rather discouraging milestone, particularly as a gargantuan super-storm -- of the sort that virtually all climate scientists have been warning for years would increase in frequency as the planet warmed -- threatens to slam headlong into the East Coast in a couple days' time. "Hurricane Sandy," wrote Daniel Honan at, "Mother Nature's revenge on the 2012 election?"
Oil Companies Go Unpunished For Spills And Billions Of Dollars Of Gas Is Wasted
In the North Sea , oil companies go unpunished despite thousands of oil spills while because of flaring $50bn worth of gas is wasted annually.
What We Say About Our Religion, And What We Do
A recent Pew survey found that an unprecedented one in five Americans now say they are not affiliated with any religious denomination. Or, looked at another way, nearly four out of five identify with an organized faith. Research also shows those Americans overstate how often they go to church by about half.
Is Religious Freedom Really Primary?

Will the Christian Right Hang Itself With Its Own Homophobia?
Inevitable: Right-Wing Christian Leader Blames Hurricane Sandy on Gays
American History: Era of Greed and Destruction
It is now 2012, and we are living in the first few years of a new era of American history. Assuming that this country still exists, or even if it doesn't in its present form, sometime in the future historians will be writing about this era as a specific era different in many respects from this country's past history. They will say that the nascent Era of Greed had its antecedents in the period following WWII, at a time when America was clearly becoming the greatest global power.
Can the Company Fire You for the Way You Vote?

Geoengineers: Testing the Waters

Retired NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections Part I

The Top 6 Critiques of Obama from a Progressive (Reality-Based) Perspective
Barack Obama has been called everything from a gun-hating, closet-Muslim hiding socialist to a big-government loving, deficit exploding, tax increasing, class-warfare waging liberal elitist. He's been compared to Hitler and denounced for wanting to destroy capitalism and/or America. He pals around with terrorists. They say he wasn't born in America and secretly hates white people.
Why I Voted Third Party: Obama is Not the Lesser Evil
We must be practical, Cordle insists, and vote for the lesser evil, lest we become saddled with the greater evil. This rests upon the assumption that Obama is somehow less awful than Romney: that he is actually the lesser evil. Sadly, it isn't so. Romney and Obama are like two varieties of vanilla ice cream. Only the containers appear different. In foreign and domestic policy, there's minuscule cosmetic or strategic differences in how they intend to pursue their goals, but the problem is that their goals are identical. In foreign policy, both believe that the U.S. should wield aggressive military force to maintain hegemonic control over the rest of the world and crush any country that dares to disobey us.
More On Savage Israel -- An Analysis |
From Corporation to Cooperation: Beyond Greed, Destruction of the Environment and Enslavement of the People
Many politicians speak of American Freedom while their pockets are lined with thousand-dollar bills conceived in debt, nursed on greed, and sent off into the world by corporate masters. These politicians swear by unfettered capitalism and equate it to the American ideal of democracy. Of course, they do; corporations indoctrinate them and buy them off with campaign funds, prostitutes, and other gifts. They couldn't survive in today's political arena without corporate sponsorship.
Know Your History: Beware Democrat Heroes
On October 26, I attended an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) event called “Enemies of the State: Solidarity for Bradley”—in support of whistleblowers in general but Julian Assange and Bradley Manning, in particular.
Who’s The Boss? Romney, Or His Church Leaders? (VIDEO)
Maddow: ‘There’s been a truthfulness problem with the Romney campaign’
Bill Maher on Mourdock and ‘rape is God’s will’: ‘You cannot separate religion from just sheer idiocy’
Obama unveils economic plan: 5 ways it differs from Romney's
Romney Wants To Cut FEMA
Why America needs national voting law standards