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The Humanist Hour #78:
Gloria Steinem, 2012 Humanist of the Year [mp3 download] (Right-Click on Link for Options)
Study Linking Monsanto Corn to Cancer Must Be Taken Seriously by Regulators
The GM industry has traditionally reacted furiously and personally. Séralini has been widely insulted and smeared and last year, in some desperation, he sued Marc Fellous, president of the French Association of Plant Biotechnology, for defamation, and won (although he was only awarded a nominal €1 in damages).
While the Army Stands Down, Suicide Rates Are Still Up
They reported 25 potential suicides: 16 among active duty soldiers and nine in the reserve component. So far in 2012, the Army has reported 211 potential suicides among active duty and reserve members - 211 too many.
Cook County Associate Judge Thomas Donnelly said in his ruling that the city often chooses not to enforce the curfew for events it supports. The arrests last October came after hundreds of members of Occupy Chicago refused to take down tents and leave Grant Park when it closed at 11 p.m.
Report: "Counterproductive" US Drone Program "Terrorizes" Pakistan
Joint study by Stanford and NYU law schools casts doubt on the legality of drone strikes; Says secretive program fosters anti-American sentiment
With tensions high, US leads massive military minesweeping exercise in Persian Gulf
Hackers, Possibly From Middle East, Block U.S. Banks’ Websites
The financial and banking industries are on high alert tonight as a massive cyberattack continues, with potentially millions of customers of Bank of America, PNC and Wells Fargo finding themselves blocked from banking online.
Bill Moyers: ALEC ‘is still everywhere’
The influence of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has not diminished despite recent corporate defections, Bill Moyers said Friday, or attempts to curb it with legislation like the ALEC Accountability Act.
Why Romney Insulted the Palestinians
Some pundits are excusing Mitt Romney’s comment about why Palestinians are so much poorer than Israelis as a slip of the tongue caused by a shortage of staff on his overseas trip, but the Republican presidential candidate makes the same point in his book, No Apology, which he claims to have written himself.

Why Romney Insulted the Palestinians
Mayor Attempts to Live on Food Stamps
Next they're coming for the children
Re-writing child protection laws
The NFL, The Mafia and Fixed Games
Dan Moldea Interview (1989)