1.Sept.2012 - Police Brutality, eBook Price Fixing, Internet Freedom, When Church is Law, Poverty Growth, Realty Delusions, Rachel Corrie, Public Education, Israeli Madness, Unions Can Do Better, West Nile Virus, Minimum Wage Raise, Anonymous Leaks NYT Correspondences, Goodbye Liberty, more.
Occupy Wall Street is starting to stir again.
As always, The Dissenting Heretic is watching over our fellow comrades fighting for our/your human rights.
US Acquits CIA of Killing and Torturing of Prisoners US Attorney General Eric Holder announced on Thursday that no charges will be filed in the cases of two terror suspects who died in CIA custody – one in Iraq in 2003 and another in Afghanistan in 2002. "The admissible evidence would not be sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt," Holder said. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32322.htm#
Anonymous Leaks Secret New York Times Correspondences That Reveal Reporters’ Shocking Competence
Anonymous declared war on the New York Times this week, launching "OpNYT" on Wednesday. Unlike most actions by the crippled hacktivist collective these days, their attack on the Times doesn't just consist of writing boring, unreadable manifestos (though there is a lot of that). Anonymous has leaked 'secret' correspondences between New York Times reporters and Anonymous members, meant to expose the Times' "incompetence." Unfortunately for Anonymous, the documents reveal the exact opposite.
TaserDrone: Hackers Attach Shocking Material To Drone Helicopter, Chase People, StunThem (VIDEO)
The guys at Hackaday, a website that presents "fresh hacks each day, every day from around the web," have frankenstein-ed together a Parrot AR Drone copter with stun gun technology, resulting in a flying, menacing, electrified drone that can deliver a shock to anyone that has the misfortune of being in its path. And while the TaserDrone (as Hackaday is calling it) cannot produce a shock strong enough to incapacitate a human (yet!), it can at least break the skin, as this photo shows; could this, perhaps, give a glimpse of future, floating law enforcement?
Raising Minimum Wage Can Yank Millions Out of Poverty and Jump-Start Economy
The federal minimum wage is just $7.25 an hour and hasn't been raised in three years. But a raise is much more overdue than that. If we look at the minimum wage 44 years ago, and simply adjust it for inflation, it would be more than $10 today.
he most troubling economic trend facing America this Labor Day weekend is the increasing concentration of income, wealth, and political power at the very top - among a handful of extraordinarily wealthy people - and the steady decline of the great American middle class.
West Nile Virus Symptoms Spike Nationwide with Fever, Head and Body Aches
Cases of West Nile Virus have been high this summer, which means it's important to know the symptoms.
The states hardest hit are one's in the south and central U.S.. Texans should be especially cautious since a majority of the deaths caused by West Nile come from that state, reports ABC News. Still, there are reported cases in 47 out of 50 states so everyone needs to be careful.
How Republicans Live with Themselves: The Entitlement of Hypocrisy
When people land a job they had once only dreamt of, and then get raises and bonuses on top of that, you can be reasonably certain that sooner or later two things will happen. First, they will come to understand that they deserve all that they get; second, they will begin to realize that it is only honorable to bargain for whatever can be got. Once entitlement has become a veritable disease occurring across the gamut of offices -- professionals, top corporate brass and elective posts -- we get endemic corruption, the general topic of this, the second of three in the series about Republicans and what they do for and with their concept of honor.
Recently I responded to an email propaganda piece on Israel sent out by a friend that listed all the magnificent things Israelis have done in technology and agriculture. The clear implication was that Arabs and Palestinians can't hold a candle to Israelis when it comes to making the desert bloom. Israelis are clearly superior and, thus, deserve to own what was once called Palestine.
The International Association of Machinists just succeeded in negotiating a humiliating defeat with Caterpillar after a 15-week strike. Workers lost considerable money by striking, and then lost even more with the new contract, accepting almost every concession the company demanded despite the fact that the company was sitting on a record $4.9 billion in profits. The union let scabs cross the picket line and failed to stop production, almost guaranteeing defeat.
Israel Finds Itself A Partisan Election Issue In U.S.
Israel has featured prominently in previous campaigns: Obama visited Israel before his election in 2008, as has almost every presidential candidate from both parties before him. But observers in Israel say this U.S. election is different.
The state of Israel is not to blame for the death of Rachel Corrie – this is the decision an Israeli court reached yesterday. The ruling, made by Judge Oded Gershon of the Haifa district court, may have come as a shock to some, but anyone following Israel’s path on a slippery slope, particularly over the past decade, could hardly be surprised when the court literally blamed the victim for her own death. “An unfortunate accident,” is what Gershon chose to call the tragedy. “She did not distance herself as a reasonable person would have done.”
California State Assembly Stops ‘Pray Away The Gay’ Therapy (VIDEO)
The bill, while not yet signed into law, has now passed the Democrat-dominated Assembly by 51-21. The subjection of homosexuals to this “treatment” is based under the assumption that we choose our sexuality preferences.
Entitled “Rock the Red,” the concert was actually to feature three country acts: Travis Tritt, Charlie Daniels, and Lee Brice. Announced in June, as reported in the Charlotte Observer, it would have been held at the 11,000-seat Bojangles Coliseum, and was the brainchild of area political consultant Jason Lambert. But something went wrong.
Billboards Warning of Martial Law Go Up in Florida
An infowars.com reader has sent a photo of a billboard on Highway 441 in Ocala, Florida. The billboard space was rented by Kenneth Rhoades and Gary Gaines.
Yes, shame on Putin. Shame on any country — whether Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, or Texas (once a republic unto itself) — that puts religion in such a position that church sensibilities trump human rights.
That's what Texas did as late as 1998 when it prosecuted two men for consensual sex under its so-called sodomy law, ruled unconstitutional in 2003.
First Round Of Ebook Price Fixing Settlements Are Announced
When the Department of Justice decided to sue Apple and five of the major book publishers for price fixing ebooks, we were glad to see some justice coming to purchasers of overpriced ebooks. Shortly after filing the suit, three of those publishers, HarperCollins, Hachette and Simon & Schuster, decided to settle rather than fight. Now, the first round of settlements have been reached between these three companies and 49 states (sorry Minnesota) and 5 US territories.